Top Five Out-of-the-Ordinary Winter Soups

Served bubbling hot, soon du bu—a concoction ofmarinated soft tofu, onions, clear broth, and chilipowder—will scorch your lips, warm you to thebone, and leave your sinuses clear till spring ($6.95).
2895 Broadway, at 113th Street

Studded with black beans that seem to dissolve oncontact with your tongue and tasting vaguely of FrootLoops, Banania’s pumpkin soup is a silken,satisfying treat ($6.00).
241 Smith Street, Cobble Hill,Brooklyn

Thick, savory, and clogged with giant bread crumbs,Cozy’s split-pea soup redefines words likehearty, robust, and even delicious($2.50 small, $3.50 large).
739 Broadway, at AstorPlace

This Williamsburg haunt, which doubles as a surf shop,may well be the only restaurant in town where you cansign up for a surfing lesson while waiting for thebest New England clam chowder south of Plymouth Rock ($5.50).
218 North 7th Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Served on the street from a space the size of a broomcloset, the homemade lentil soup is the perfectantidote to winter—and to the restaurant’schilly lunchtime lines ($3 small, $4 large, $7 jumbo).
172 Crosby Street

Top Five Out-of-the-Ordinary Winter Soups