Top 5 Restaurant Seders

Chef Peter Hoffman has made Passover at Savoysomething of a tradition. He usually focuses onSephardic food; this year, recipes come from IraqiJewish traditions, and readings on freedom andtolerance accompany the meal. (April 16 and 17; 70Prince Street; 212-219-8570.)

The classic Seder, down to the afikomen. Orderit in the dining room, or Artie can ship it out viaFedEx for those poor souls without ready access tobrisket. (April 16 and 17; 2290 Broadway, at 83rdStreet; 212-579-5959.)

An unexpected mix of cuisines: Mexican Jews haverendered the traditional Eastern European food with aLatin kick. Try the gefilte fish in pasilla sauce ormatzo-ball soup with cilantro and chilies. (ThroughApril 19; 61 Columbus Avenue, at 62nd Street;212-397-0666; and 1063 First Avenue, at 58th Street;212-753-7407, extension 19.)

Another traditional meal, but just a little spiffierthan anything you ever get at your relatives’: Achicken-liver timbale replaces the classic choppedliver, the brisket gravy is made with slowlycaramelized onions, and the dessert options include aflourless chocolate cake. (April 16 and 17; 1278 ThirdAvenue, at 73rd Street; 212-772-0404.)

Matzo-ball soup with truffles? Glazed carrots withcurry spices? Haroset ice cream?! What wouldAunt Rose say? (April 16 through 27; 270 ColumbusAvenue, at 72nd Street;212-579-0100.)

Holidays in New York
Easter Dinner & Passover Treats
Eli’s lemon meringue cake, Easter dinner at Patsy’s….

Passover Recipes
Create a Seder meal as old as tradition but sparked with a few surprises: salmon in the gefilte fish? Don’t plotz. (March 2002)

Holiday Happenings
It’s time to hunt for eggs, listen to Bach, and catch up on Dante.

Top 5 Restaurant Seders