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Not another online dating service … Yes, but this one is much less anonymous. Friendster ( is based on the principle that you’re more likely to get along with your friends’ friends, and friends of their friends, than with perfect strangers, whether you’re looking for a new lover or just another friend.

How do I join? You get an e-vite from a friend, and are connected to everyone else who’s connected to them. (Or—loser!—sign up yourself.) Then scroll through your ever-widening “personal network.” (Someone else likes “vegan hipster shoes”!) Warning: Some people are already complaining about social-climbing e-vites from “friends” out to network.

How many “friends” could I end up with? Friendster has over 268,000 users (up from 2,000 in January). But never forget, your friend’s friend can be your enemy… .

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