In the weeks before the election, a T-shirt-ready slogan surfaced in New York: “If Bush wins, I’m moving to Canada.” Well, here’s your chance to put the moving van where your mouth is. But to which Canadian city? The obvious choice is Toronto: It’s clean, cosmopolitan, ethnically diverse, and is currently erecting a Daniel Libeskind building that city officials can’t stop squabbling about. Just like home! And Peter Ustinov once described Toronto as “New York run by the Swiss.” On the downside, Ustinov meant this as a compliment neither to Toronto nor to the Swiss. For a truly Canadian, linguistically diverse experience, choose Montreal. It’s the North American city with the old-world flair: charming architecture, libertine populace, and wait staff only slightly less patronizing than in France. Rents aren’t as cheap as in years past (when you could find a “71⁄2”—that’s five bedrooms—for $580 U.S. a month), but the prices are still loose change in a Manhattanite’s pocket. And it’s the birthplace of Vice magazine! The drawbacks: Its European charms are harder to discern under four feet of snow, and many residents still cling to a quaint insistence on speaking French. And it’s the birthplace of Vice magazine! So why not Vancouver? It rarely snows, and the glass condos and Pacific Rim flavor give the city a Blade Runner vibe, without the murderous androids. Just be sure to pack a raincoat. In fact, don’t pack it—wear it. With Birkenstocks. The truly adventurous, however, will head straight to Saskatoon, which Canadian rock star Gord Downie once called “the Paris of the prairies”—apparently because it has a river in it. Oh, Saskatoon in the springtime! Guaranteed to be 100 percent Bush-free.