Feud-happy Bill O’Reilly doesn’t have to worry about trouble from disgraced GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Abramoff’s guilty plea to tax evasion, fraud, and conspiracy to bribe officials this past Tuesday roiled Washington and received prominent play on TV newscasts and newspapers’ front pages. But the story didn’t make that night’s O’Reilly Factor, which instead focused on tsunami donations (they’re being handled prudently) and an extradition deal between the U.S. and Mexico (from last month). Transcripts show that though Abramoff has been in the headlines for nearly two years, the name “Abramoff” had never been spoken on O’Reilly’s show until the day after the lobbyist’s guilty plea. (“Abramoff” was mentioned 142 times on Fox News’ Special Report With Brit Hume before being uttered on Factor.) “I have to make a confession,” O’Reilly said when he finally broached the subject. “I don’t know what this is all about. What did this guy do?” Next: Another Downtown Magazine Goes Under