Delman flats? Aren’t those, like, really old? Indeed. Quilted Delman flats were, at one sane time—long before the ascendancy of the four-inch heel—the chic-est shoes to strut the sidewalks between Bergdorf Goodman and the Colony. Beloved by Marilyn, Marlene, and both Hepburns, they were the world’s first designer shoes (the first, that is, with a label in the sole). Now they’re back! And hot as can be.
But who’s wearing them? Well, Bergdorf’s, which has restocked its old Delman boutique, has given a handful of socialites (Serena Boardman, Ivanka Trump) the title of ambassador, or “Delmanette” (imagine the freebies!). And this time, there are even a few Delmans with soaring heels ($165–$550).