Hidden Gems

Mogul jewelry … is that what Ron gives to Ellen?
Not mogul— Moghul, silly. Paula Throckmorton’s necklaces are inspired by seventeenth-century India. The Harvard M.B.A. (and missus of Fareed “Future of Freedom” Zakaria) researches historic jewelry, hires locals to create it, and then imports it to exotic haunts like Jeffrey. Anyone I know wear it?
How about Gwynnie and Jennifer Aniston, even though they have yet to wear her latest collection of rings, with words and gems hidden inside the bands ($125 to $600). “It was a huge thing in ancient Greece that stones had healing powers,” says Throckmorton, who links each word with a stone. Who knew greatness was equated with rubies? Hey, what’s the word for diamonds? Sugar daddy? Paula Throckmorton’s studio (212-737-3773).

Hidden Gems