Big Deals

Carnegie Hill
57 East 92nd Street
6-bed, 6-bath, 5,000-square-foot townhouse. Ask: $4.65 million. Sell: $4.35 million. Two months on market.

“Everybody thinks they need their heads examined,” says Douglas Elliman’s Mark Woodcock of these adventurous buyers, who enjoy renovation so much that they move into a new fixer-upper every few years, just for the challenge of completely restoring it. Woodcock describes this five-story townhouse, the buyers’ fourth rehab to date, as “a total horror” despite its price tag, but is confident in his clients’ transformative abilities, since their last place, half a block away, was also “a horror before they redid it.”

Greenwich Village
27 West 9th Street
6-bed, 5-bath, 4,500-square-foot townhouse. Ask: $3.9 million. Sell: $3.4 million. Three months on market.

Guntram the Rich, the tenth-century founder of the Austrian Hapsburg dynasty, must be smiling down on his California-bound descendant – also named Guntram – who just sold this townhouse for $1.6 million more than he paid for it three years ago. The place went to a Korean family who’ll use one of the five floors when they’re in town and rent out the other four. “Their long-range plan is to turn it into a one-family house and sell it for $5 million,” reports William B. May’s Midge LaGuardia. But first they’ll need to outlast the house’s rent-controlled tenant, who’s lived on the top floor for almost 50 years and shows no signs of moving.

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Big Deals