Retractable lighters . . .

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A New Flame
Tired of singeing your fingertips every time you light a candle? Snap up one of these trim Solo lighters, and you’ll never have to struggle with a matchbook again. The discreet, retractable devices are pretty enough for the fancy occasions. Pick one that matches your iMac – and costs a lot less ($15.95).
MXYPLYZYK/125 Greenwich Avenue/212-989-4300

Fuzzy Geometry
There’s no need to outfit your sleek, modern apartment entirely in austere, solid fabrics. For a softer touch, check out Auto, a new collection of ultraluxe felt pillows and throws sewn in colorful Mondrian-esque patterns. Choose from a selection of plush velvet or crisp cotton backings – and a staggering range of color combinations. All are lively enough to spruce up even the dullest of apartments (pillows $80-$150; throws $320).
AUTO/805 Washington Street/212-229-2292

Blanket Reform
Kids’ winter gear is always cute, but Paradis Found’s tiny plaid hats and matching mittens are more charming than most. Designer Dana Paradis collects vintage camp blankets from the forties and fifties and stitches them into one-of-a-kind, fully reversible infant- and toddler-size accessories, finished with antique buttons. A bonus: Your toddler can rest assured that no one else will turn up on the playground in the same set – unless of course you custom-order a matching adult-size pair for yourself (hats $46; mittens $15-$18).
SHOOFLY/465 Amsterdam Avenue/212-580-4390; and 42 Hudson Street/212-406-3270

Traveler’s Chic
Travel-size board games aren’t just for fidgety, carsick preteens. In fact, this very grown-up backgammon set has little in common with the magnetic plastic kind you might find at Rite Aid. Housed in a compact aluminum case, the sleek, tone-on-tone game board comes with miniature, marbleized playing pieces and matching dice. It’s all you need to make a road trip fly by – except for someone to drive the car ($95).
FLIGHT 001/96 Greenwich Avenue/212-691-1001

Black-Diamond Eyes
Chanel has never been your first stop for featherweight, UV-deflecting, wraparound ski glasses. But this winter, the company has introduced snazzy silver and white shades that are high-tech enough to work for the most dedicated schussers – and chic enough to pass muster with the ski bunnies sunning on the terrace ($265).
CHANEL/15 E. 57th Street/212-355-5050

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Retractable lighters . . .