Valeria Ostapenko, Model

Valeria Ostapenko of the Look Book in New York Magazine
Photo: Jake Chessum

What are you doing today?
Casting. I’ve been a model since I was 13, so it’s my third time in New York. But now I live here. This is my fourth day.

Where do you live?
In a house in Brooklyn that is for models.

How did you get discovered?
I have agency in my country, the Ukraine. They said there is one agency in New York. It’s very good. So I send my pictures.

What are you wearing today?
Jeans from Miss Sixty—I bought them in Japan. My jacket is from the Ukraine, and so is the bag—it is from a small shop, and it is handmade. My shoes are from 34th Street. I don’t remember where, but I always like bright shoes.

Are you wearing any makeup?
I never wear makeup except when I’m working. I don’t like it at all.

Escada. I went to Sephora, and I smelled everything. I picked Escada because it is like strawberries.

What kind of music do you listen to?
I like 50 Cent and Britney Spears.

Can you believe that Britney got married again?
I don’t care. I just like her music. Also Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park.

What do you tell your friends about New York?
I just tell them, “I love you!”

What about your parents?
I tell them I go shopping, I go to castings, I have fun.

You must get hit on all the time.

What do you say?
I don’t listen to them. It’s weird in my country to do this; it’s very weird.

Valeria Ostapenko, Model