HAUTE STYLE The bar of the Hotel Costes (239 rue Saint Honoré; 33 1 42 44 50 00) is a swaying sea of cashmere. Mini-department store Colette (213 rue Saint Honoré; 33 1 55 35 33 90) is white-hot, as style mavens flock to its three floors of furniture, fashion, and food. And just try getting a table at Davé these days (39 rue Saint Roche; 33 1 42 61 49 48); you’ll need to fight off models and press agents for the right to push salad around on your plate. Book a table at Shozan (11 rue de Tremoille; 33 1 47 23 37 32), designed by Christian Liagre, whose Hotel Montalembert (3 rue Montalembert; 33 1 45 49 68 68) is still the Left Bank place to stay, or . . .
GO EAST, JEUNE HOMME Le vrai cool is now located in the east arrondissements. The fash pack are beating a track to L’Epicerie (30 rue du Temple; 33 1 53 28 26 95) for savvy unisex streetwear. Or to the bars of the rue Oberkampf for “la credibilité.” When Le Charbon (33 1 43 57 55 13) at No. 109 overflows, they head to Le Mecano (33 1 40 21 35 28) at No. 99. Or to Purple Café (9 rue Pierre Dupont; 33 1 40 34 14 64) for teas brewed up by local artists, who show in spaces like Glassbox gallery (113 rue Oberkampf; 33 1 43 38 02 82). The truly intrepid venture over to the thirteenth, to six high-cred galleries spread out along the rue Louise Weiss… .
THE LAST MÉTRO With the new “Météor” métro line linking the East to the middle of town, you’ll make it back in time to dine at Anahi (49 rue Volta; 33 1 48 87 88 24), resto-elect to the jeunesse dorée. Then on to the Champs-Élysées, where Le Queen hosts Respect, the hippest club night in town. So hip, in fact, that the Respect crew has just launched Secret, a select Sunday-night event held at … well, it’s a secret… .
DON’T MISS “Issey Miyake – Making Things,” at the Cartier Foundation (261 boulevard Raspail; 33 1 42 18 56 51) October 13 through January 17; or “Millet/Van Gogh” at the Musée d’Orsay (1 rue de Bellechasse; 33 1 40 49 48 14) through January 3.