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Celebrate International Women’s Day at Brooklyn Historical Society

What does feminism mean in 21st-century America? Lenny Letter editor Jessica Grose, Jezebel editor-in-chief Koa Beck, and writer Ashley C. Ford come together to discuss the intersection of contemporary feminism with other social-justice movements involving racial equality, transgender rights, and immigrant protection. Moderated by Rebecca Carroll, editor of special projects for WNYC. NYxNY members can attend this panel for free by using the code from their 2/15 email when reserving tickets.

What: A panel discussion on feminism with famous writers and editors.
When: Tuesday, March 6, 6:30 p.m.–8 p.m.
Where: Brooklyn Historical Society: 128 Pierrepont St, Brooklyn, NY 11201
How: Reserve tickets via link in 2/15 email.

This offer is available only to members of New York by New York. To learn more about our premium membership program and become a member, click here.

Celebrate International Women’s Day at BHS