editor event

Get Tickets to the Vulture Panel: “Covering Celebrity”

You’re invited to our office for a behind-the-scenes look at how Vulture constructs its coverage of celebrities, creators, and entertainment personalities. TV critic Matt Zoller Seitz, contributing writer Jada Yuan, and staff writer E. Alex Jung will be joined by Vulture editor and moderator Neil Janowitz. Tickets are $30 each and include light snacks and refreshments. Space is limited!

WHAT: A conversation panel with Vulture writers and editors
WHEN: Thursday, November 2, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: New York magazine: 75 Varick St., New York, NY 10013
HOW: Tickets may be purchased via link in member offers email dated 10/12

This offer is available only to members of New York by New York. To learn more about our premium membership program and become a member, click here.

Get Tickets to the Vulture Panel: “Covering Celebrity”