special offer

Win a Copy of Highbrow, Lowbrow, Brilliant, Despicable: 50 Years of New York

New York Magazine is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a retrospective tome: Highbrow, Lowbrow, Brilliant, Despicable: 50 Years of New York published by Simon & Schuster (on sale November 7, 2017). This heavily illustrated, oversize book features new contributions, as well as excerpted pieces of landmark writing that evoke especially vivid memories of New York City at a particular moment. There are interviews with contributors and editors, artistic and often shocking photography, famous covers, an original crossword puzzle, and a mega-Approval Matrix, together telling the story of New York City over the past half-century through the lens of its most vibrant magazine.

• WHAT: A members-only sweepstakes to win a copy of our 50th anniversary book
• WHEN: Sweepstakes ends November 7
• HOW: Enter via link in member offers email dated 10/26

This offer is available only to members of New York by New York. To learn more about our premium membership program and become a member, click here.

Win a Copy of our 50th anniversary book