Even the greatest of Mets heroes isn’t necessarily a New Yorker, and Keith Hernandez is moving on. The first-baseman on the 1986 Series champs is selling off his 28th-floor, 2,000-square-foot pied-à-terre at 255 East 49th Street for $2.1 million, down from his $2.295 million asking. It’s a combined apartment; Hernandez bought half when he was playing here in 1985, for $480,500, and his wife, Kai Thompson, picked up the remaining chunk in 2002 for $515,000. His broker, Corcoran’s Dee Downing, says Hernandez and his family are selling because they spend most of their time in Florida these days.
Out to the east, developer and hotelier André Balazs has put his four-bedroom, four-bath Shelter Island retreat on the market. The former Shaker meeting house, built in 1680, and an accompanying barn were moved (by barge!) from Mystic, Connecticut, to their present location on Peconic Bay by the previous owner. Penelope Moore of Allan Schneider Associates, who’s representing Balazs, says he’s selling because “he’s too busy,” she explains. “He doesn’t spend as much time here as he used to”—most likely because he’s been hard at work on projects like 40 Mercer. Asking price is $6.999 million.