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vulture lists
July 19, 2024
The 33 Greatest Disaster Movies of All Time What makes cinematic depictions of catastrophe so compelling?
what a depressing election
Nov. 6, 2013
John Heilemann Talks Double Down A highlight reel of our national affairs editor’s media appearances.
brief histories
July 9, 2013
We’re Living in the Age of the Movie Trailer Money Shot When it comes to marketing a film, it’s a game of special effects one-upmanship.
election hangover
Mar. 6, 2013
best of vulture
Jan. 1, 2013
The Year in Comedy Movies A year ago, we reflected on a raunchy, female-dominated, fairly diverse year in comedy and concluded that 2012 would likely bring a similarly […]
A Year of Lost Roles: Looking Back at 12 Awesome, Weird, and Terrible […] Lost Roles is a weekly column exploring “what might have been” in movie and TV comedy, as we take a different actor, writer, or comedian each […]
it’s the end of the world as we know it
Dec. 21, 2012
drag queens
Dec. 20, 2012
John Hodgman Gives Some Last-Minute Apocalypse Survival Tips
John Hodgman has been warning mankind about the impending apocalypse ever since his book That Is All came out last year, but things are […]
box office gold
Dec. 4, 2012
2012 Was Broadway’s Best Year Ever Monetarily and attendance-wise, that is.
stuck in the mittle
Nov. 8, 2012
John Heilemann on Morning Joe : Romney Was ‘An Unlikely Fit’ for GOP “It’s the era of Occupy Wall Street and the tea party and you’ve got a guy who represents — more than anything — the one percent.”
Heilemann: Harsh Realities for the GOP If Republicans continue to lose Latino voters, the GOP will become “an extinct party.”
election day
Nov. 6, 2012
Video: Hoboken Residents Found It Difficult to ‘Shift to Election Mode’ Voters head to the polls with last week’s storm still first on their minds.
the end is near
Nov. 6, 2012
Video: A Two-Minute Look Back at the 2012 Election That Was A mere year and a half ago ago, it felt like this day might never come.
master debaters
Oct. 23, 2012
Obama’s ‘Battleship’ Zinger Wasn’t Out of Line In the third debate, Obama “indulged in zingers” to cast his opponent as a relic of eighties foreign policy.
master debaters
Oct. 17, 2012
master debaters
Oct. 15, 2012
Heilemann: Debate Is Obama’s Biggest Challenge “The badness of Obama’s first debate performance has sunk in.”
The Complete Guide To Everything: The 2012 Presidential Election Hey, let’s get down to business here. Week after week, Tim and Tom spend an hour talking about a bunch of nonsense that, frankly, isn’t all […]
master debaters
Oct. 12, 2012
master debaters
Oct. 11, 2012
Heilemann: Biden Will Get Personal at Debate “If he doesn’t talk about his mother, father, children, grandchildren, and grandparents tonight, I will be shocked.”
John Hodgman Says the World ‘Might Not End’ This Year “Here we are, now approaching my predictive date for the end times, December 21, 2012, which is of course not my date, but the one the Mayans […]
master debaters
Oct. 4, 2012
Video: The First Presidential Debate in Less Than Three Minutes In which we learn President Obama actually likes the term “Obamacare.”
master debaters
Oct. 3, 2012
master debaters
Oct. 3, 2012
Ann Romney and Michelle Obama on Debate Anxieties Ann shows her “uh-oh” face, and Michelle explains why a debate is the worst way to celebrate a wedding anniversary.
stuck in the mittle
Sept. 20, 2012
Heilemann: ‘47 Percent’ Remark Hurt GOP Support The comments were “politically toxic,” Heilemann said.
47 percent
Sept. 18, 2012
Romney Remarks More Damaging Than Obama’s John Heilemann and Jonathan Chait weigh in.
John Heilemann: Romney’s Bungled Libya Response Heilemann wonders if we will look back on Romney’s response as the moment he lost the election.
republican national convention
Aug. 31, 2012
GOP Convention Word of the Day: WORK! You can work, work hard, and then work harder.
campaign 2012
Aug. 30, 2012
Michelle Obama Is Not Watching the GOP Convention But there might have been some Todd Akin talk in the White House.
early and often
Aug. 28, 2012
So, What’s Barack Obama Up to These Days? With eyes on Isaac and the RNC, the president is campaigning at colleges and unleashing new ads.
early and awkward
Aug. 13, 2012
it’s the economy
Aug. 6, 2012
Heilemann: Obama Shouldn’t Talk Up the Economy He’ll be regretting it for the rest of the election.
Obama Sitting Pretty in Three Swing States: Poll The president is leading Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida.
Heilemann: Why Jindal, Ryan Look Good to Romney “You can’t underestimate how much the Romney campaign is worried about conservative enthusiasm right now.”
stuck in the mittle
July 24, 2012
Romney Advisers Discuss ‘Anglo-Saxon Heritage’ “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”
stuck in the mittle
July 16, 2012
Frank Rich on Face the Nation : Bain Capital Issue Confuses Voters “The problem for Romney is a lot of Americans don’t really know him, and Bain is the biggest part of it.”
stuck in the mittle
July 13, 2012
Mitt Romney Responds to Bain Attacks Romney states over and over that he had no real role at Bain Capital after February 1999.
stuck in the mittle
July 11, 2012
the most important people in the world
July 11, 2012
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