Armond White: Sex and the City 2 Not As Good As Jay-Z“[’Sex and the City 2’] lacks the insightful love-hate ambivalence that emerges so crucially when Jay-Z’s hip-hop cynicism contrasts Keys’ soaring, unstoppable aspiration.”
‘Scoundrel-Czar’ Responds to WhiteJ. Hoberman on Armond White: “Imagine if I had written something about him rather than making available something he wrote.”
Good News for Avatar: Armond White Hated It“The corniest movie ever made about the white man’s need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt.”
ByAmos Barshad
ranters and ravers
Armond White: Precious Worse Than Norbit“Not since ‘The Birth of a Nation’ has a mainstream movie demeaned the idea of black American life as much as ‘Precious.’”