Biutiful - New York Magazine
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  1. kudos
    Oscars’ Foreign Film Short List Includes BiutiulWhat else made the cut, and what notably didn’t?
  2. kudos
    Julia Roberts Will Shame Oscar Voters Into Voting for Javier Bardem“If there’s not hope for talent, then we’re fucked.”
  3. exclusive
    Watch Javier Bardem in This Exclusive Clip From BiutifulAnd find out why the film’s title is spelled that way.
  4. chat room
    Javier Bardem Talks Biutiful, Invents Great New Curse Word“Can I say that? ‘Fucking-tastic’?”
  5. happy new year
    Update: Hollywood Puts Some Space Between Valentine, Biutiful’Blue Valentine’ and ‘Biutiful’ will no longer make you want to kill yourself on the same day.
  6. trailer mix
    Biutiful Trailer; or, Javier Bardem Will Cry His Way to OscarAnd you’ll cry with him.
  7. biutiful
    Biutiful Selected As Mexico’s Official Entry for OscarsCould help Bardem’s chances.
  8. movies
    Watch an Early Teaser for Alejandro González Iñárritu’s BiutifulUnlikely to be the funniest movie of the year.
  9. cannes 2010
    Cannes Report: Iñárritu Talks Up Bardem for Oscar’s First Spanish-Language Best ActorThe actor gives an extraordinary performance in ‘Biutiful.’
  10. the industry
    Batteries Recharged! Javier Bardem Finally Getting Back to WorkPlus: Which beloved Fox News personality just renewed his contract?