Dan Crenshaw - New York Magazine
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Dan Crenshaw

  1. ilhan omar
    Alabama Republicans Vote to Remove Ilhan Omar After Endorsing Roy MooreState Republicans think Omar is an un-American bigot who shouldn’t hold office. That says more about their idea of who should than about her.
  2. trump campaign
    Trump Campaign: ‘Remind AOC and Democrats That This Is Our Country, Not Theirs’In a campaign email, the president defends the Electoral College on the grounds that the U.S. belongs exclusively to Republican voters.
  3. ilhan omar
    Why ‘Civility’ Protects Dan Crenshaw But Not Ilhan OmarAndy Barr wants Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be more “civil” when addressing Dan Crenshaw. But Crenshaw’s treatment of Ilhan Omar was anything but.
  4. ilhan omar
    Ilhan Omar Never Stood a ChancePolitical attacks against the Muslim Minnesota congresswoman — culminating in one from the president — have devolved into pure Islamophobic id.
  5. the national interest
    Republicans Prove Ilhan Omar Is Right About Anti-Muslim Bigotry“You have to wonder if she is an American first,” says Fox News host who claims to be offended at dual loyalty smears.