Dreaming - The Cut
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  1. dreaming
    Tired and upset woman works in a home office at night
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Work?Dreams about your nine-to-five can mean a lot of different things. Here, several dream experts help guide you through the possibilities.
  2. dreaming
    Woman awaking after sleeping well in a nice sleeping room.
    What Is Lucid Dreaming, and How Do I Do It?And, uh, should I even try to?
  3. dreaming
    Why Is Sleep Paralysis So Terrifying?While nothing is worse than the feeling of being awake but unable to move or speak, there are some things you can do to cope.
  4. dreaming
    a snake with big eyes
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Snakes?And why, according to dream experts, you should never ignore a snake dream.
  5. dreaming
    Close-Up Of Spider Web
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Spiders?“Any time of transformation, of rebirth, of cycles and life and death, can bring about the visage of an arachnid, for sure.”
  6. dreaming
    Defocused photo of woman running on the street
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Being Chased?“These dreams are especially common for those of us who avoid confrontation, conflict, and big displays of emotion.”
  7. dreaming
    Silhouette of a pregnant woman by the window
    Dreaming You’re Pregnant? Experts Explore 13 Reasons WhyPregnancy dreams are typically connected to something else in your life that is in a growing and development phase, rather than actual pregnancy.
  8. dreaming
    Woman's mouth with dark lipstick
    Dream Experts Explore Why You’re Dreaming About Your Teeth Falling Out“Communication is such a huge part of our life, and so many of us second-guess the way we’re communicating.”
  9. infidelity
    IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE, (aka FA YEUNG NIN WA), Maggie Cheung, 2000. ©Miramax/courtesy Everett Collecti
    So What Does It Mean If You Dream About Cheating?And should you be worried about what it portends for your IRL love life? Here’s what the experts think.
  10. dreaming
    Young woman sleeping
    How to Interpret Dreams About Practically AnyoneFrom exes to co-workers to celebrities, here’s a guide.
  11. dreaming
    Close-Up Of Yellow Fish Swimming In Sea
    What Does It Mean If You Dream About Fish?Catching a fish in your dreams, or watching them swim in a tank? Here’s how the experts interpret it.
  12. dreaming
    Basset Hound Sleeping Against Colored Background
    What Does It Mean If You Dream About Dogs?Are dogs running, barking, and chasing you in your sleep? Here’s what that could mean.
  13. dreaming
    Tornado approaching house in rural landscape
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Tornadoes?“Our emotions are the weather of the mind … and tornadoes tend to represent worry and anxiety, spinning out of control.”
  14. dreaming
    Baby girl lying down and smiling
    What Does It Mean If You’re Having Dreams About Babies?“Usually baby dreams are a really positive sign that represent growth or development.” There are, of course, exceptions.
  15. dreaming
    Alligator mississippiensis, Everglades National Park, Florida
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Alligators?The gator may represent “someone with a big mouth, and sharp, biting remarks and hurtful criticism.” Sound like anyone you know?
  16. dreaming
    Black bear and 3 cubs
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Bears?Are you feeling threatened? In need of rest? Desperate to reconnect with nature? Bear dreams hold many meanings.
  17. dreaming
    The underwater world of Maldives.
    What Does It Mean If You’re Dreaming About Drowning?“Any event that produces emotion that you cannot control, or that you feel powerless in the sway of, is more likely to spur a drowning dream.”
  18. dreaming
    Double Exposure Image Of Woman Lying On Bed
    Dream Experts Explain Why You’re Dreaming About DeathIt’s not as sinister as it seems.
  19. dreaming
    Woman Lying On Bed
    Dreaming About an Ex? Experts Explore 23 Reasons Why“Look at the dream as a conversation with yourself.”
  20. sweet dreams
    What Do Dogs Dream About?A quick look into the science of canine sleep.
  21. Scientists Can Read Your Brain Activity and Know What You’re Dreaming AboutA new, slightly spooky study.
  22. the science of dreams
    Why Your Dreams Go Crazy When You Stop Smoking PotMost people think it has to do with REM sleep. Not so, insists a sleep researcher who has come up with a competing theory.
  23. the science of dreams
    How Much Do You Know About Freudian Dream-Interpretation?Sometimes a quiz is just a quiz.
  24. the science of dreams
    Hack Your Dreams With These Crazy Lucid-Dreaming InventionsIn recent years, a new wave of start-ups focused on lucid dreaming has produced everything from headgear to eye masks to pills.
  25. What Dreams Are Like When You’re BlindHave you ever smelled something in a dream? What about taste?
  26. the science of dreams
    Little Kids Use Their Dreams to Figure Out Real Life“Some of the dreams we have in childhood become lifelong touchstones of emotion.”
  27. dancing queen
    Serena Williams’s Dancing Dreams Come TrueShe shows off her dancing moves in a new video.
  28. Bad Dreams Are Like Dress Rehearsals for Your MindIt’s a way of practicing for real life, or so goes one theory.
  29. What to Do During the Day to Increase Your Chances of Lucid Dreaming at NightThis is rather Inception-like.
  30. People Who Have More Nightmares Might Also Be More CreativeMaybe bad dreams aren’t so bad after all.
  31. sleep
    Everyone Dreams (or Do They?) A theory on the people who say they never dream.