Displaying all articles tagged:
Duncan Hunter
2020 elections
Dec. 1, 2020
Republicans Claw Back 4 California Congressional Seats It wasn’t a good election for California Republicans otherwise, but they did regain ground in the U.S. House.
House Ethics Committee to Duncan Hunter: Please Stop Doing Your Job The committee effectively banned the congressman — who pleaded guilty to misusing some $150,000 in campaign funds — from voting on the House floor.
Duncan Hunter to Plead Guilty to Misusing Campaign Funds, Leave House After first blaming his wife and his son for illegally spending over $200,000 in campaign funds on personal expenses, Hunter is now taking the blame.
gop resignations
Sept. 30, 2019
NY Republican Collins Resigns While Pleading Guilty to Insider-Trading Charges Collins was in trouble in both the primary and the general election, but his very Trumpy district should be safe for some other Republican.
2020 elections
Sept. 26, 2019
Hunter Becomes the Hunted The embattled California Republican now faces Darrell Issa’s giant bankroll, in addition to federal prosecutors who indicted him for corruption.
2020 elections
Aug. 29, 2019
Darrell Issa Plots Comeback by Taking Out Duncan Hunter Issa’s wealth and fame makes him a formidable intraparty opponent for Hunter, who goes on trial in January on lurid corruption charges.
duncan hunter
July 18, 2019
Marines Order Duncan Hunter to Stop Using Them in His Hate Mail The Marines are down on the embattled Hunter — and Darrell Issa is sizing up his congressional seat — as his September corruption trial approaches.
Prosecutors Say Duncan Hunter Used Campaign Funds to Cheat on Wife The original indictment of Hunter and his wife suggested out-of-control personal finances. The new allegations suggest an out-of-control libido.
hunter x hunter
June 14, 2019
Congressman Duncan Hunter’s Wife Flips, Pleads Guilty to Misusing Campaign Funds Margaret Hunter admitted to one count of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. As part of her deal, she must help in the investigation into her husband.
house republicans
May 10, 2019
Bad Boys Nunes, King, and Hunter Dominate House GOP Small-Dollar Fundraising Some pols raise grassroots money with charisma or ideology. In today’s House GOP, being outlandishly controversial works.
2018 midterms
Oct. 15, 2018
Indicted Republican Congressman Smears Midterm Opponent As ‘Security Risk’ Duncan Hunter shows chutzpah by attacking his opponent for his Palestinian forebears while being under criminal indictment himself.
2018 midterms
Sept. 7, 2018
Four California Democratic Congressional Candidates Break With Party on Gas Tax Candidates in some very close House races aren’t taking chances by risking the ire of anti-tax voters as a ballot initiative fight intensifies.
president trump
Sept. 3, 2018
Trump: DOJ Shouldn’t Have Indicted Republicans So Close to an Election If you’re looking for some blatant corruption in your presidential tweets, this will do nicely.
2018 midterms
Aug. 29, 2018
How Darrell Issa Could Return to Washington As Indicted Congressman’s Successor Issa had been eyeing Hunter’s strongly Republican district from the moment he “retired.” A Hunter resignation or defeat could make it real.
duncan hunter scandal
Aug. 27, 2018
So Far, Polls Say Voters Are Unfazed by Corruption Allegations Against Hunter Most voters in the district know about the charges against Hunter and his wife. But have they really dwelled on them in their full fatuous glory?
duncan hunter scandal
Aug. 24, 2018
Indicted Republican Blames Wife for Misusing Campaign Funds Duncan Hunter’s excuses for his serious legal fix are evolving and, well, totally shameless.
2018 election
Aug. 23, 2018
A Latino-Palestinian Progressive May Take Down Indicted GOP Congressman Duncan Hunter is in big trouble after a corruption indictment. His progressive opponent has a great personal story with some details GOP may exploit.
duncan hunter scandal
Aug. 22, 2018
Rep. Duncan Hunter Says He’s a Victim of Trump’s Justice Department — Like Trump Rep. Duncan Hunter, charged of making illegal purchases with campaign funds, accuses Democrats in Trump’s Justice Department of plotting against him.
2018 elections
Aug. 21, 2018
California GOP Congressman Indicted for Personal Use of Campaign Funds One of Trump’s allies, Hunter’s misuse of funds — for video games, dentistry, and a plane ticket for a pet rabbit — puts a safe GOP seat in jeopardy.
Politicians Are Gaming California’s Primary System The original idea of top two was to help moderates win elections. But now the system is being used to reduce competition in general elections.
California Republicans Mostly Steer Clear of Trump During His Visit Most of them found something else to do during the president’s visit, though a gubernatorial candidate just missed his flight.
the national interest
Feb. 8, 2018
Congress Has a Literal ‘Bros Caucus’ A persecuted and despised minority finally gains a voice in Washington.
2018 Democratic Wave Likely to Be a True Tsunami in California The Golden State has been trending Democratic of late. Everything that’s happened in 2018 could accelerate that trend.
Vaping Congressman Spent Campaign Funds on Games Representative Hunter spent $1,302 of campaign funds on video games last year.
vape-ists gonna vape
Feb. 24, 2016