Displaying all articles tagged:
Eliot Spitzer
Eliot Spitzer Can Build His Faux -Prewar Condo Now A lawsuit over a ditch couldn’t stop his luxury development with a view of the Met.
stop the presses
July 8, 2022
Lis Smith Loves Politics (If Not All Politicians) The fearless political operative on Mayor Pete, Andrew Cuomo, Bill de Blasio, Joe Biden — and her new book, ‘Any Given Tuesday.’
Will Public Support Save Andrew Cuomo? He’s fairly popular now, but the record shows men like him don’t easily recover.
the establishment
Oct. 13, 2020
The Panic Attack of New York’s Power Brokers The city’s “permanent government” has always built its way out of crisis. But what if it can’t?
Eliot Spitzer Reportedly Has a New Girlfriend “Page Six” recently spotted them on a double date.
crimes and misdemeanors
Feb. 15, 2016
fresh starts
June 15, 2015
Where Are They Now?: Disgraced Former Governor Eliot Spitzer Edition He’s developing an apartment complex in Williamsburg and watching Aquarius .
great break-ups
Apr. 29, 2014
Spitzer Paying $7.5 Million-Plus in Divorce A “lump sum” of $7.5 million, plus much more.
the most important seflies in the world
Mar. 13, 2014
boy problems
Jan. 17, 2014
Cool Mayor de Blasio Weirdly Judgy About Former Aide’s Boyfriend One Times columnist blames a sexist Post campaign for Lis Smith’s exclusion from de Blasio’s administration.
ink-stained wretches
Jan. 7, 2014
early and awkward
Jan. 2, 2014
Eliot Spitzer’s Girlfriend Is Done Working for Bill de Blasio, Thank Heavens The New York Post will be pleased to know that Lis Smith is not employed by the mayor.
office romance
Dec. 22, 2013
ink-stained wretches
Dec. 17, 2013
rich people problems
Sept. 24, 2013
early and awkward
Sept. 19, 2013
the racie for gracie
Sept. 11, 2013
the internet
Sept. 10, 2013
out of comptrol
Sept. 10, 2013
Could the Polls Be Underestimating Eliot Spitzer’s Support? What if voters just don’t want to admit that they’re voting for the hooker guy?
Comptroller Race Really Coming Down to the Wire A new poll shows Scott Stringer barely leading Eliot Spitzer.
out of comptrol
Sept. 3, 2013
Scott Stringer Once Voted to Keep NAMBLA Tax-Exempt Yes, NAMBLA. But it was for constitutional reasons.
out of comptrol
Aug. 30, 2013
out of comptrol
Aug. 29, 2013
out of comptrol
Aug. 29, 2013
Eliot Spitzer’s Huge Lead in the Polls Has Vanished His nineteen-point lead two weeks ago is down to … zero.
Aug. 19, 2013
Aug. 17, 2013
The Times and the Post Both Endorse Stringer And Stringer will make a “fine” comptroller anyway.
Scott Stringer Ate a Cronut This Morning The race for city comptroller heats up with a pastry that has absolutely nothing to do with the position of city comptroller.
Spitzer and Stringer Woo Liberal Drinkers in Hell’s Kitchen The boozy event was actually less combative than the debates.
Serious Question
Aug. 13, 2013
master debaters
Aug. 12, 2013
Round Two of Spitzer vs. Stringer Was Just As Nasty “You don’t know right from wrong,” snapped Stringer.
early and awkward
Aug. 12, 2013
Not All New Yorkers Are Shameless A majority of New Yorkers are embarrassed by Weiner and Spitzer.
possible comebacks
Aug. 11, 2013
Eliot Spitzer’s Comeback Hasn’t Been Cheap He has already spent $2.6 million of his own money on his comptroller campaign.
master debaters
Aug. 9, 2013
attempts at transparency
Aug. 8, 2013
ink-stained wretches
Aug. 7, 2013
Lena Dunham Learns to Love Scott Stringer The hippest event ever for a comptroller candidate was held last night.
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