Alan Yang’s Art-House ComediesThe co-creator of Forever on making Cassavetes for people of color, Master of None season three, and Parks and Recreation’s epic Secret Santas.
Forever Recap: We Missed ItJason Mitchell and Hong Chau guest star in a standout episode that shifts the focus away from the series’ leads.
ByBryan Washington
Forever Recap: This Is Just for YouJune takes a walk with Kase and learns there’s a way around some of the restrictions she thought she had to live by.
Forever Recap: There’s No PlanThe startling developments of the premiere continue in the second episode as June starts to change her life.
ByBryan Washington
Forever Premiere Recap: It Would Be Good for UsA new series starring Fred Armisen and Maya Rudolph premieres with an episode that introduces a couple facing a turning point during a ski trip.
How Funny Does Comedy Need to Be?With Nanette, Atlanta, Eighth Grade, Drew Michael, and other similar serious comedies, are we entering the era of post-comedy?