Global Design - New York Magazine
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Global Design

  1. design hunting
    A Miami Beach Apartment That Matches the OceanArchitect Luca Andrisani brought a bit of Positano to Miami.
  2. design hunting
    How an Abandoned Hacienda in Mérida Turned Into a Luxurious Second Home“We climbed the stone walls and saw these beautiful ruins. … suddenly there was a sun shower, and, I’m not kidding, a rainbow appeared. I said, ‘This is a sign we should live here.’ ”
  3. design hunting
    A Renovated Paris Apartment With Its 18th-Century Details Left IntactDespite the fact that the Sixth Arrondissement apartment was “completely destroyed,” interior designer Juan Montoya was taken with its 14-foot ceilings and two “wonderful doors” that open onto a terrace.
  4. design hunting
    Tour a New York Interior Designer’s Bogotá Pied-à-terreFor when Juan Montoya pops in for a family visit.
  5. design hunting
    This Santa Monica Loft Is a Neon Escape From New York WintersWhere an Upper East Side couple flees when the cold becomes unbearable.