Hot Duck - The Cut
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Hot Duck

  1. new york celebrities
    Oh God, What Has Happened to the Hot Duck?“I am starting to consider the possibility that he suffered some sort of tragic fate.”
  2. obsessions
    Chicago’s Hot Duck Is an Alligator Named ‘Chance the Snapper’“This gator is absolutely in its own league. Sorry, but nothing can compare to this.”
  3. hot duck
    The Man Behind New York’s Hot Duck Sensation“People see in him only good. They idealize the Mandarin duck as whatever they see as good and natural and beautiful in the world.”
  4. animals
    Other Ducks Are Hot, Too, Insists Bird ExpertThe hot Mandarin Duck isn’t special, according to an ornithologist.
  5. mandarin duck
    Call Off the Manhunt: The Hot Duck Is BackThe hot duck briefly disappeared from Central Park, but it’s okay.
  6. meanwhile in canada
    Canada Too Polite to Brag About Its Own Hot DuckCould it be a global conspiracy?