George Bush Crashes Laura’s Fashion PartyFirst Lady Laura Bush held a reception at the White House yesterday in honor of the Heart Truth’s Red Dress Initiative’s fifth anniversary, and guess who stopped by? Her darn hubby, George. The initiative aims to promote heart-disease awareness by having celebrities model designer red dresses during Fashion Week, so naturally President Bush cracked a joke about Dick Cheney’s unhealthy heart, saying the vice-president “sends his best.” Oh, har! With quips like that, Bush could blog!
new york fugging city
The Fug Girls Tackle Laura Bush and Liza Before NoonIt’s a tough call as to which was the more outstanding beginning to Fashion Week: seeing Liza Minnelli burst into “New York, New York” at the Heart Truth’s Red Dress Collection event or being handed a free Diet Coke in a frosty bottle after we fought our way out of the tents.
show & tell
Secret Service Makes the Tents Extra-ExclusiveWe’re often amazed at how easily we slip past the watchful guards at the Bryant Park tents — in flats, no less! But the first morning of Fashion Week was, as it is every year, a bit different from what we’ve come to expect during the rest of the week. First Lady Laura Bush was in the front row, surrounded by Secret Service, to attend the Red Dress show for her Heart Truth charity, which raises awareness of heart disease among women.
new york fugging city
Resisting the Serious at Heart Truth Red Dress
Our first two shows at this Fashion Week served up a larger helping of meat and cheese, respectively, than anything we saw in September. For the meat, we have to thank John Bartlett, whose preppy classic menswear made its way down the runway on the backs of some of the best-looking men we’ve ever seen. In our lives. Our mouths may have been hanging open, just a little bit, for the duration of the show. And our notes read something like, “Nice overcoat. Wow. Wow. Hot. Hot. Wow.” Why don’t we go to more menswear shows??