Miley Cyrus - Vulture
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Miley Cyrus

  1. quote machine
    Even Drew Barrymore Is Getting Sick of Romantic Comedies Starring Drew BarrymorePlus: Miley Cyrus combats the charges that she isn’t an authentic headbanger.
  2. chat room
    Nobel Son’s Eliza Dushku on Dollhouse, Playing Crazy, and PastiesJoss will say, ‘I’m going to throw you off a roof,’ and I say, ‘Cool, let’s do it!’
  3. quote machine
    Dolph Lundgren’s Comeback Going About As Well As Could Be ExpectedPlus: Kate Beckinsale sees America’s ‘very long stick.’
  4. quote machine
    Never Ask Faye Dunaway If She Threw Pee on Roman PolanskiPlus: What did Meatloaf say that he later blamed on vertigo?
  5. broadway
    Can Jay-Z Make ‘Fela!’ a Broadway Hit?According to Michael Riedel’s homies, Jay-Z might help promote ‘Fela!’
  6. the industry
    Disney to Take Chance on Unknown ActressPlus: Everybody’s hiring Zach Galifianakis!
  7. quote machine
    Even Fergie Tired of Her SingingPlus: Miley Cyrus on Dolly Parton, and Josh Hamm on his former career in soft-core porn!
  8. vulture lists
    10 Top Goody-Goodies From Pop CulturePresenting the top ten churchgoing, non-drinking, promise-ring-wearing singer-actors — along with their great shames and potential for corruption. Yes, we remembered Miley Cyrus.
  9. apropos of nothing
    Miley Cyrus Not-Topless Outrage!But what if the chest you can’t see is secretly covered by clothes you can’t see? Is it okay then?
  10. the early-evening news
    Miley Cyrus to Sink Every One of Her Fifteen Years of Life Experience Into MemoirPlus: Take the Uwe Boll challenge, and the ‘Blair Witch’ guy finally makes another movie.
  11. agenda
    Hanna Montana DVD: No Tickets or Chaperones RequiredBack in January we told you to book advance passes to this Hanna Montana–Miley Cyrus movie, which went nearly as fast as the tickets to the live performances it documented. But relax: The Best of Both Worlds DVD isn’t going anywhere.
  12. kudos
    Some Poor Jerks Are Going to Have Their Oscars Given to Them by Miley Cyrus and The RockWho will be the lucky winners?
  13. the early-evening news
    Record-Breaking Number of Preteens Driven to Movie Theaters by Their ParentsPlus: More Stallone movies!
  14. the early-evening news
    Bill Cosby to Embarrass Self With New Rap AlbumPlus: Miley Cyrus news!
  15. tube junkie
    Hannah Montana’s Switcheroo ScandalMiley Cyrus fans respond, natch.
  16. art candy
    Suspended AnimationEugene de Salignac may have been shooting in an official capacity — he was, after all, the staff photographer for the New York City Department of Bridges, Plant and Structures — but his pictures have an air of whimsy and nostalgia rarely seen in governmental commissions.