Paid Family Leave - The Cut
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Paid Family Leave

  1. 2020 elections
    Are Any of the Paid Family Leave Plans Actually Any Good?A guide to the FAMILY Act, New Parents Act, and Cradle Act.
  2. parenthood
    What’s the Cradle Act — and Is It Better Than Nothing?A newly proposed family-leave policy would have parents borrow money from retirement to help finance time off after the birth or adoption of a child.
  3. paid family leave
    Planned Parenthood Says They ‘Must Do Better’ for Pregnant WorkersFollowing a New York Times report alleging that pregnant employees had been mistreated and denied maternity leave.
  4. politics
    Ivanka Trump’s Paid-Leave Plan Is Going Nowhere FastShe met with a handful of Republican senators this week, but they couldn’t agree on a plan.
  5. Ivanka Trump Seeks Sponsors for Her Paid-Family-Leave PlanThe First Daughter will meet with Senators Marco Rubio and Deb Fischer to talk over the plan.
  6. politics
    Ivanka’s Paid-Family-Leave Plan Could Be OverhauledThe First Daughter called her current plan a “placeholder” and is open to other approaches, according to a report.
  7. Ivanka Trump Hosted a Dinner Party for CEOs About Women in the WorkforceIt’s another sign that the oldest Trump daughter may help shape her father’s policy on women’s rights.
  8. Paid Family Leave Is Good for Everyone, Including EmployersStop saying paid family leave is a “job-killer.”
  9. Families With Young Kids Are More Likely to Live in PovertyAccording to a new report.
  10. the state of women is meh
    Obama’s Legacy for Women Shows a Feminist President Is Not EnoughHis speech last week bore a striking resemblance to the promises he made to women on the campaign trail eight years earlier.
  11. In SF, Businesses Must Offer Paid Family LeaveIt’s the first city in the States to mandate paid leave.