Palace Intrigue - New York Magazine
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Palace Intrigue

  1. palace intrigue
    John Bolton Is Trying to Run a One-Man State Department: ReportBoth Mike Pompeo and President Trump are reportedly frustrated with the national security adviser overstepping his bounds.
  2. palace intrigue
    On This Week’s Episode of The President, the Porn Star, and the First LadyAccording to the New York Times’ latest White House report.
  3. palace intrigue
    Here’s Why Steve Bannon Wears So Many ShirtsHis spokesperson and other highly knowledgeable play sources attempt to explain the former presidential counselor’s questionable fashion choice.
  4. first family
    Ivanka Trump Says Her Opinion Doesn’t Actually Count for Much“Some people have created unrealistic expectations of what they expect from me.”
  5. palace intrigue
    Trump Official’s Kentucky Trip Under Investigation for Convenient Eclipse TimingMnuchin and Linton may have timed their trip to Kentucky a little too well.
  6. palace intrigue
    Washington Veteran Says Ivanka and Jared ‘Do Not Understand Their Irrelevance’Despite the number of issues they’ve taken on, Javanka are relatively powerless.
  7. palace intrigue
    Trump’s Favorite Part of Being President Is Posing for PhotosThe man loves a good photo op.
  8. palace intrigue
    Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Says He Can Have Ivanka ‘Out by End of Year’According to reports, the editor thought he was emailing with Steve Bannon.
  9. palace intrigue
    As Steve Bannon Returns, Breitbart Launches New Attacks Against IvankaNew stories on the site recall Bannon’s threats to go “nuclear” on the First Daughter.