Pete Buttigieg - The Cut
Displaying all articles tagged:

Pete Buttigieg

  1. power
    Are We Really Still Arguing About Paternity Leave?Seems like some men are really worked up over Pete Buttigieg’s parental leave.
  2. makeovers
    Mayor Pete Experimenting With Facial Hair in IsolationLike so many of us, Pete Buttigieg is test driving new looks while social distancing.
  3. iowa caucus
    What the Heck Is Going on in Iowa?Somehow, the Iowa caucus results still aren’t all in.
  4. 2020 election
    Who Is the Buffest Candidate?Democratic candidates show us how they stay fit.
  5. breaking
    The Mayor Pete Song Was Written by 4 People in a Hot Tub“We didn’t have any instruments because we were in the hot tub.”
  6. 2020 election
    Mayor Pete Is Being Mercilessly Roasted With His Own Campaign DanceNot everyone has high hopes for Buttigieg.
  7. etiquette
    What Is the Correct Way to Eat a Cinnamon Roll?Like you’re devouring a chicken wing? With a fork? Like Fruit By the Foot?
  8. party report
    Anna Wintour Dines With Mayor Pete ButtigiegAt the annual God’s Love We Deliver fundraiser co-chaired by Michael Kors.
  9. fashion
    Mayor Pete Rejected Fashion Advice From Tom FordCan you imagine?
  10. political soapbox
    All Soap Is Equal, According to Pete ButtigiegThe Democratic presidential candidate gives some controversial advice to new college students.
  11. collabs
    Mayor Pete Won’t Be Taking His Horse to the Old Town RoadA collab between the presidential candidate and Lil Nas X did not occur.
  12. goop politics
    Why Do Celebs Love Mayor Pete So Much?Not as spicy as Marianne Williamson, not as cranky as Bernie, he’s perfect for the Hollywood set.
  13. abortion
    Republicans Are Trying to Change the Subject From Abortion BansDemocrats running for president should beware right-wing talking points.
  14. 2020 elections
    Wait, Sorry, How Do You Pronounce Buttigieg?A helpful guide.
  15. so you want to be president
    What to Know About Mayor Pete (Buttigieg)Everything from what he thinks about health care to James Joyce.