Rick Santorum - New York Magazine
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Rick Santorum

  1. politics
    Ted Cruz (Mistakenly) Touts His 2024 Presidential OddsThe senator noted that “historically the runner-up is almost always the next nominee.” It’s a common but untrue hypothesis.
  2. vision 2020
    Does Joe Biden’s Catholicism Matter?If elected, Biden would become just the second Catholic president. But his faith probably won’t greatly affect the odds he will win.
  3. vision 2020
    Getting Hot Late Is Usually the Key to Winning IowaA good organization and momentum are both key to an Iowa caucus win, but this year there are signs of potential late shifts.
  4. vision 2020
    Can Cory Booker Revive His Flagging Campaign?Booker is a very good candidate … on paper. If he’s going to make a move in the race, it’s got to be now.
  5. bitcoin
    Rick Santorum Is Getting Into Bitcoin for CatholicsIt should have been called “Vaticoin,” if you ask me.
  6. vision 2020
    Is the DNC ‘Winnowing’ Potentially Strong 2020 Presidential Candidates?The party can’t make everyone happy, but yes, there have been some late bloomers who did well despite poor early polls.
  7. vision 2020
    Is Beto Losing His Mojo? Did Mayor Pete Steal It From Him?The two candidates are pursuing opposite strategies, with O’Rourke focusing on early-voting states, and Buttigieg soaking up national media attention.
  8. 2018 primaries
    Trump Didn’t Get a Win for His Billionaire Buddy in WyomingFoster Friess’s vast wealth and Trump’s Election Day endorsement weren’t enough in a very competitive gubernatorial primary.
  9. 2018 primaries
    Trump Endorses Right-Wing Billionaire Foster Friess in WY Gubernatorial PrimaryThe man best known for advocating women putting an aspirin “between their knees” as contraception picks up the late POTUS nod.
  10. Conservatives Plan One More Obamacare Repeal Effort Before the Midterm WaveGOP congressional leaders have mostly packed it in for 2018. But conservatives, with White House support, may try one last time to repeal Obamacare.
  11. GOP Moneybags Foster Friess to Run for Governor of WyomingAfter contributing generously to candidates like Rick Santorum, Friess is ready to strut his own stuff.
  12. Rick Santorum Suggests Kids Stop Marching, Start Taking CPR ClassesA comment that represents a fatalistic view of American life.
  13. The Remarkable, Maddening Career of Zell MillerA remembrance of my former boss, a man who zig-zagged through political history.
  14. How Republicans Are Trying to Pass the Buck on Health CareThe Graham-Cassidy bill would reverse a long trend toward equality in health-care coverage and force hellish decisions on the states.
  15. 2016 rnc
    A Brief, Sad Interview With Rick SantorumCatching up with the failed GOP candidate at the RNC.
  16. early and often
    Rick Santorum Endorses Marco Rubio While Exiting 2016 RaceMarcomentum gets a very small boost.
  17. This Is Ted Cruz’s Only Plausible Route to the Republican NominationIt involves 13 states with one thing in common.
  18. Donald Trump Offers Fox News an Olive Branch, in the Form of a Very Boring RallyAfter an apparent apology from Roger Ailes, Donald Trump put together the dullest sideshow he possibly could.
  19. Huckabee and Santorum Join Trump’s Pity PartyWhat else can an also-ran candidate do after an undercard debate? Help Trump disrespect the main event!
  20. equal time
    Trump Rivals Can Get 12 Minutes of NBC AirtimeThanks to FCC rules.
  21. the national interest
    How Conservatives Explain Away Republican IslamophobiaThe real bigots are the people who point out bigoted statements.
  22. 2016
    Santorum Says Only Having 4 People Show Up at Campaign Event Is Part of His Plan“Eight votes can make a big difference, as I know.”
  23. much conservatism
    Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum Are Auditioning for the Same Part in 2016Which one will win the race to be 2016’s unapologetic social conservative?
  24. politics
    Rick Santorum Attacks Fellow 2016 Candidates in Effort to Remind Us He ExistsA week after declaring he’d run as a uniter.
  25. religious right
    Rick Santorum Is Making a Movie About Hobby LobbyA documentary about religious freedom, coming soon to a church near you.
  26. stuck in the mittle
    Rick Santorum Might Have Misunderstood the ‘You Didn’t Build That’ LieSays RNC should have emphasized that CEOs don’t succeed on their own.
  27. equal rites
    Ben Carson Copying Santorum on MarriageBad idea or really bad idea?
  28. the national interest
    Santorum, Gingrich Nearly Ruled AmericaA political union that could have changed the world, or at least embarrassed a party even more.
  29. cpac 2013 dispatch
    Rick Santorum Is Not That Good at BasketballThe arcade kind with tiny balls.
  30. late show
    Letterman Grudgingly Promotes Santorum’s Book“Really? I thought this was the wine list.”
  31. legitimate rape
    GOP Heavyweights and Their Money Trickling Back to Todd Akin [Updated]Rick Santorum and Jim DeMint both pledge to help.
  32. values voter summit
    Rick Santorum Gives Up On ‘Smart People’They’ll just never be on his side.
  33. apologies
    Santorum Says Biden Was Playing Race Card, Calls for Apology“I’ve been in groups like that,” Santorum said.
  34. Public Clamoring for Shirtless Paul Ryan PhotosPlus: Rick Santorum! 
  35. Awesome Sauce
    Is ‘Chick-fil-A Sauce’ the New ‘Santorum’?This time it’s the Rickster himself who’s turning a new phrase.
  36. vampires
    Rick Santorum Inspired This Season of True BloodIs that why it’s so terrible?
  37. the great tampa convention showdown
    Rick Santorum Ready for Ron Paul Convention ShowdownAlso, he’s open to running for vice-president.
  38. Jay Leno Grills Rick Santorum on the Tonight Show“To me the Republicans used to be about strong defense and strong fiscal policy,” Leno said.
  39. politics
    Santorum Finally Endorses RomneyAfter the pair met for an hour in Pittsburgh.
  40. non-endorsements
    Rick Santorum Repeatedly Declines to Endorse RomneyNope. Not yet.
  41. you’ve got mail
    Iowans Receive Santorum Letter Bashing Romney“It truly frightens me to think what’ll happen if Mitt Romney is the nominee.”
  42. Early Exits
    Now Rick Santorum Is Quitting Steak Dinners, TooHe’ll miss a previously scheduled appearance in Philly.
  43. early and awkward
    Every Candidate Endorsed by God Has Now Lost to Mitt RomneyWho will God support now?
  44. frothy mixtures
    Santorum Beat His Google Problem, Sort OfThe “frothy mixture” lives on, but further down the page.
  45. the national interest
    Requiem for a Warm BodyIt is time to spread Santorum elsewhere.
  46. 2012
    Rick Santorum Dropping Out of Presidential RaceThe underdog candidate is finally giving up and suspending his campaign.
  47. early and often
    New York Primary Not Getting Any More CompetitiveNot that it really matters. 
  48. politics
    Rick Santorum Releases a Light Schedule for This Week And the dropout speculation continues. 
  49. get well get well soon we want you to get well
    Rick Santorum’s Daughter Is Back in the HospitalSad.
  50. stuck in the mittle
    Mitt Romney Dominating Irrelevant New York PrimaryThe primary is April 24. How excited are you?!?
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