At Calvin Klein’s Mind-blowing High Line PartyCalvin Klein’s 40th-anniversary celebration on the actual freakin’ High Line gave us enough moments of childlike wonderment to last for the next ten seasons.
Someone Acts Like a Fugging Baby at Hilfiger
Just for fun, let’s try a blind item for you gossip aficionados. Which ubiquitous, young(ish) singer didn’t get seated with the other cool kids at Tommy Hilfiger’s show and spent the entire production pulling a completely petulant bitchface?
new york fugging city
Julianne Moore Goes Fugging Blonde at CalvinWe were loitering outside Calvin Klein, doing our usual “are we in the right line?” dance along with everyone else, when things got a little exciting. Anna Wintour stopped and looked right at us. And gestured!
party lines
Diesel’s Got a Brand New BagThe Prada event planners probably slept well last Friday night, sure the amazing Raconteurs show at their Soho store would be the secret-special-musical-guest highlight of Fashion Week. Then they discovered the Diesel after-party booked James Brown. JAMES BROWN. The Godfather of Soul.