The Mandalorian - Vulture
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The Mandalorian

  1. vulture lists
    Every Star Wars TV Show, RankedWith so many shows set in the galaxy far, far away, which ones are worth your time? And which ones will pay off in future stories?
  2. baby no-duh
    Teeny-Tiny Grogu to Grace Big, Big ScreenJeremy Allen White joined the cast of The Mandalorian & Grogu as another baby. 
  3. culture wars
    Gina Carano and Elon Musk Team Up Against Disney and LucasfilmThese two think they’re the scrappy underdogs in this free-speech fight.
  4. do or do not
    Every Star Wars Movie That Allegedly Is or Isn’t HappeningRebellions are built on hope — and years of development hell.
  5. force sense
    Ahsoka Sets Course for Disney+Plenty of time to binge Star Wars: Rebels, just as the dark side (corporate overlords) intended.
  6. space critters
    The Mandalorian’s Most Fantastical Creatures, RankedAt the very least, season three did bring out the space critters.
  7. overnights
    The Mandalorian Season-Finale Recap: Stronger TogetherIt’s time to take out Moff Gideon once and for all.
  8. stunt casting
    Lizzo and Jack Black Pass Baby Yoda’s Vibe Check on The MandalorianThat’s gotta feel good as hell.
  9. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: Kicking the Battle DroidDin, Bo-Katan, and Grogu meet Lizzo, Jack Black, and Christopher Lloyd.
  10. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: Pirates BootedIt’s Mando versus pirates in some urban, Star Wars: Black Hawk Down–esque warfare.
  11. comeback stories
    Ahmed Best on Joining Mandalorian Cast: ‘Good to Be Back’The actor formerly played Jar-Jar Binks.
  12. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: NestingThe Mandalorians, or at least Din Djarin’s branch, take the task of adopting strays seriously.
  13. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: Taungsdays, Am I Right?Coruscant actually seems kinda nice for once.
  14. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: A Sort of HomecomingThe team gets living proof that a Mandalore myth is more than just a “children’s story.”
  15. overnights
    The Mandalorian Season-Premiere Recap: This Is the Way (Again)New objective just dropped.
  16. no
    The Mandalorian Whittles The Book of Boba Fett Plot Into 45-Second ClipYou could go into season three cold (knowing nothing) or warm (knowing everything).
  17. we love grogu
    Say That to Baby Yoda’s Face, Liam NeesonNeeson thinks Star Wars spinoffs are “diluting” the franchise.
  18. space daddy
    Grogu Sits in the Driver’s Seat in The Mandalorian Season 3The new trailer shows Grogu’s growing powers.
  19. weird little guys
    Grogu Just Green Gizmo, Gripes Gremlins’ Joe DanteThe director thinks Baby Yoda was “completely stolen and is just out-and-out copied. Shamelessly, I would think.”
  20. all about that face
    Halo Lets Us See Pablo Schreiber’s Face, Thank GodIt’s a good face.
  21. emergency discussion
    What’s Going on With The Book of Boba Fett?And why should we care?
  22. psa
    The Book of Boba Fett Catches Up With Our Two Favorite BoysOn a show in which the titular character is increasingly an afterthought, we got mini-episodes of both Justified and The Mandalorian season three.
  23. overnights
    The Book of Boba Fett Recap: A Very Special Guest StarWait, did we turn on the right show?
  24. feuds
    Jonah Hill Ends Longstanding Feud With Baby YodaOur long national nightmare is over.
  25. viewing guide
    Prepare Yourself for Star Wars: The Bad BatchWhat to watch ahead of the new Disney+ animated series, which builds directly on The Clone Wars and other entries in this ever-expanding universe.
  26. extremely online
    Gina Carano Fired From The Mandalorian After ‘Abhorrent’ Social-Media PostsShe is now set to produce and star in a film with the Daily Wire.
  27. grogu
    Baby Yoda Loves Robert Rodriguez’s Acoustic FreestyleYou can’t spell Rodriguez without Grogu.
  28. close reads
    Has The Mandalorian Succumbed to the Dark Side?The final moments of the season-two finale represent the galaxy-collapsing shortsightedness that has come to define Disney-era Star Wars stories.
  29. vulture investigates
    Why Is The Mandalorian So Hot?Much like the Force, true hotness comes from within.
  30. disney+
    Disney Confirms The Mandalorian Spinoff The Book of Boba Fett Is HappeningThat post-credits scene had a point.
  31. lingering questions
    19 Big Questions About That Mandalorian FinaleA lot happens in “The Rescue,” including a final scene that upsets the series’ status quo, leaving us much to ponder as we wait for season three.
  32. spoilers
    The Force and the Nostalgia Were Strong in The Mandalorian FinaleThe season-two finale’s big cameo is a perfect example of what Star Wars, as a franchise, often tries to do and only occasionally succeeds at.
  33. space parenting
    The Mandalorian Let Baby Yoda Be a Baby, and It Was GoodGrogu’s appetite for destruction (and frog eggs) was much more than comic relief. It was essential to season two’s emotional payoff.
  34. overnights
    The Mandalorian Season Finale Recap: Mando and ChildThe big reunion that we’ve been waiting for sets the stage for an even bigger reunion that we never expected.
  35. bless the child
    The Continuing Adventures of the Artist Formerly Known As Baby YodaAre you there, Force? It’s me, Grogu.
  36. spoilers
    Let’s Discuss That Big Mandalorian RevealIt may not be the first time we’ve seen [redacted], but it’s the first time we’ve seen it like this.
  37. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: The Wages of Din DjarinThe return of Migs Mayfeld (Bill Burr) forces Mando to examine and confront his moral code in more ways than one.
  38. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: A Bad Day To Be MandoOur hero acquires some unexpected, apparently not-dead allies in his mission, which nonetheless encounters some pretty serious setbacks.
  39. easter eggs
    Your Mandalorian Season Two Crossover GuideAs The Mandalorian increasingly converges with Dave Filoni’s animated series The Clone Wars and Rebels, here’s the backstory you need to know.
  40. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: The Secret Origin of Baby GroguA compact, samurai movie-inspired episode offers up a flood of new information about Mando’s Jedi companion, and even more Clone Wars connections.
  41. he’s baby
    Baby Yoda Has a Real Name and You’re Not Gonna Like ItCall Him By His Name.
  42. vulture bets on berry
    Cast Matt Berry in The Mandalorian, You CowardsIt’s honestly shameful this hasn’t happened yet.
  43. justice for spotchka lady
    The Mandalorian’s Best Cameo Appearances, RankedWho’s the best guest appearance in the galaxy?
  44. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: Squid Chowder for OneIn which the Child witnesses the miracle of birth (well, hatching) and maybe gets over his urge to eat the Frog Lady’s eggs. Maybe.
  45. overnights
    The Mandalorian Recap: Frog-Fresh EggsThe Child may seem cute and vulnerable, but he can also be unpredictable and even dangerous (not to mention hungry).
  46. spoilers
    Who Is That at the End of The Mandalorian Season Premiere?It sure seems like The Mandalorian just shattered Star Wars canon and brought back a character long presumed dead.
  47. overnights
    The Mandalorian Season Premiere Recap: How to Kill Your Krayt DragonMando and Child travel back to Tatooine, where they check in with an old friend and meet a new “Mandalorian.”
  48. sweet jesus
    Hot Damn, Timothy Olyphant in The MandalorianHis hair is perfect.
  49. tv review
    The Mandalorian Is Back to Save Us AllOr at least distract us for 54 minutes.
  50. buffering
    Let’s Evaluate Disney+’s First YearWhat the platform has done right, and where it can grow.
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