Vegetarian - The Cut
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  1. wellness theories
    How a Mushroom Expert Does WellnessRainbo’s Tonya Papanikolov on yoga, meditation, and the power of fungi.
  2. science of us
    Are These the Food Rules That Will Save Us All?An argument for eating meat once a week.
  3. the cut opinion pages
    Being Vegetarian During the Holidays Is EasyWe’re not “surviving,” we’re thriving.
  4. drugstore doctor
    What’s the Deal With Vitamin B12?Two experts explain why it’s so important.
  5. wellness theories
    Lauren Bush Lauren on Queso and Babies“My body and the body of other mothers — it’s crazy and awesome.”
  6. wellness diary
    Anja Rubik on Her Fitness Routine and Why Modeling Is FeministAlso, her new fragrance, Original.