Watch Party - The Cut
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Watch Party

  1. watch party
    Did Black Swan Predict the Plight of the Modern Worker?A movie about a ballerina overworking (and consequently destroying) herself is a cautionary tale that’s never felt more relevant.
  2. watch party
    Love & Basketball Doesn’t Sacrifice Anything for the Happy EndingThe early-aughts romantic classic reminds us that we can be our own first love.
  3. watch party
    Where Is the Future That Baby Boom Promised?The Diane Keaton–starring ’80s film is depressingly hopeful about the (fantasy) future for working moms.
  4. watch party
    In Norma Rae It’s Worker Solidarity First, Ambition SecondThe 1979 Sally Field classic is even more relevant today, for better or worse.
  5. watch party
    Maybe Don’t Take Career Advice From Valley of the DollsThe campy classic offers women little more life advice than to “sparkle, sparkle.”