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Wednesday Night Movie Club

  1. the fog of nostalgia
    No Movie Captures the Essence of Neil Young’s Best Songs Like Inherent ViceJust as Neil sings of an elusive past, Inherent Vice dangles a rush of emotions in front of you only to slip away the second you try to grasp them.
  2. goth excellence
    The Action-Goth Masterpiece That Never Got Its DueThe ahead-of-its-time epic Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust was meant to be the movie that proved action anime could work on the big screen in America.
  3. it can’t rain all the time
    Without Brandon Lee, The Crow Doesn’t FlyThe textured humanity Lee gives The Crow is still its strongest asset, and 30 years after the film’s debut, still its most memorable quality.
  4. wednesday night movie club
    Signs Is the M. Night Shyamalan Experience at Its BestM. Night Shyamalan has talked about Signs as the most joyous movie he’s ever made. And you can see it.
  5. wednesday night movie club
    Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ Winking Burlesque of FemininityThere’s verve and wit to these women’s bouncing walks, their sideways exchanged looks, their lipsticked mouths curling into satisfied little grins.
  6. wednesday night movie club
    How to Watch Basic Instinct With Your Significant OtherLet a whodunnit lead to a whoisdoingit. (You are.)
  7. vulture movie club
    The Time Has Come to Appreciate John Carter As the Goofy Throwback Epic It IsThe colossal bomb that lost Disney $200 million now seems far from the creative disaster it was dismissed as back in 2012.
  8. vulture movie club
    Twilight’s Final Vampire Battle Is Better Than Anything Marvel Has Ever DoneSlay, TCU (Twilight Cinematic Universe)!
  9. vulture movie club
    Miami Vice’s Journey From Misfire to MasterpieceMichael Mann’s 2006 Miami Vice film wasn’t supposed to be anything like this.