Weekend Trips - Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York
Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York
Getting down on the farm upstate.

From the March 24, 2003 Issue of New York

The closest your kids have ever gotten to a cow is your Jimmy Choo stiletto boots? Take them to Farm Sanctuary, in Watkins Glen, New York, where they’ll get acquainted with more than 1,000 pigs, cows, turkeys, goats, and other farm animals rescued from stockyards, factory farms, and slaughterhouses. The weekend begins with a breakfast of bagels and pastries—no bacon and eggs, since the place is vegan. But you’ll need those carbs: After a tour of the property’s 175 acres, you’ll roll up your sleeves and pitch in with chores like barn-cleaning, assisting with animal health care, and putting down fresh bales of straw. If things get too Green Acres, there are some excellent day hikes to local gorges and waterfalls and a number of local wineries nearby. At night, you’ll bunk in rustic pine-wood cabins with outdoor porches.

Farm Sanctuary (from $75; 607-583-2225; farmsanctuary.org) is about five hours from Manhattan.


Related Websites
Watkins Glen State Park - Trail maps and local activities.

Photograph: Courtesy of the Farm Sanctuary