American Horror Story - TV Episode Recaps & News

American Horror Story

  1. Episode 12 Afterbirth
  2. Episode 11 Birth
    American Horror Story Recap: Twin Set Time for those babies to be born.
  3. Episode 10 Smoldering Children
    American Horror Story Recap: Better Off Dead “Ladies and gentlemen, the ham.”
  4. Episode 9 Spooky Little Girl
    American Horror Story Recap: My Two Dads The stakes are no longer just really gory, they’re the end of the world.
  5. Episode 8 Rubber Man
    American Horror Story Recap: More Butts, Less Butt Torture The identity of rubber man is revealed.
  6. Episode 7 Open House
    American Horror Story Recap: How Deep Is Your Swimming Pool? “Every pregnant woman worries they’ve got a little devil in them!”
  7. Episode 6 Piggy Piggy
    American Horror Story Recap: Brains for Lunch “I’ve just come from a meeting with Lifetime, they’re interested in making a pilot of me.”
  8. Episode 5 Halloween Part 2
    American Horror Story Recap: Historical Reenactor Orgy Halloween finishes up with oh so many ghosts.
  9. Episode 4 Halloween (Part 1)
    American Horror Story Recap: Halloween Is the Dead-People Version of Anytime Minutes “You’re screwing that twink trainer of yours, and I need gourds!”
  10. Episode 3 Murder House
    American Horror Story Recap: I Love the Eighties (Murders)! Another murder in the house happened in 1983, and there’s a Camaro reference to prove it.
  11. Episode 2 Home Invasion
  12. Episode 1 Pilot
  1. Episode 12 Madness Ends
    American Horror Story Season Finale Recap: Say Good-night, Bloody Face-y A surprisingly moving end for our Asylum characters. Except for that one guy. He got it good.
  2. Episode 12 Continuum
    American Horror Story Recap: The Queen of Candyland Forward in time, then back, then forward again.
  3. Episode 11 Spilt Milk
    American Horror Story Recap: Lactose Intolerance “There’s so many questions, I don’t even know where to begin.”
  4. Episode 10 The Name Game
    American Horror Story Recap: So You Think You Can Trance Crazy crazy bo bazy banana-fana fo fazy …
  5. Episode 9 The Coat Hanger
  6. Episode 8 Unholy Night
    American Horror Story Recap: Bad Santa Merry early Christmas, you godless pinheads.
  7. Episode 7 Dark Cousin
    American Horror Story Recap: Angels and Nun Demons Well, we guess it can’t be rainbows and colostrum every week.
  8. Episode 6 The Origins of Monstrosity
    American Horror Story Recap: Baby Needs Therapy Little girls with blonde braids: not dangerous. Little girls with red braids: not dangerous. Little girl with brown hair: murderers.
  9. Episode 5 I Am Anne Frank, Pt. 2
    American Horror Story Recap: His Thoughts Be Bloody (Face) So now we know who the serial killer is.
  10. Episode 4 I Am Anne Frank, Part 1
    American Horror Story Recap: When I Think About Jews, I Touch Myself Last night we pole-vaulted over the boundaries of good taste with an episode titled “I Am Anne Frank.”
  11. Episode 3 Nor’easter
    American Horror Story Recap: Cecil B. Very Uncomfortable Wait … so how many Bloody Faces are there?
  12. Episode 2 Tricks and Treats
    American Horror Story Recap: Laughing All the Way to the Mossy Bank There was a young priest and an old priest.
  13. Episode 1 Welcome to Briarcliff
    American Horror Story Recap: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Naked Ass This whole season is going to be like a Marilyn Manson video.
  1. Episode 13 The Seven Wonders
    American Horror Story: Coven Season Finale Recap Burrito Supreme? No, just a new witch-type Supreme.
  2. Episode 12 Go to Hell
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: The Axeman Bummeth A major player becomes gator bait.
  3. Episode 11 Protect the Coven
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap The third-to-last Coven was in no way like a dried-up Hot Pocket.
  4. Episode 10 The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: ***Flawless To the gypsy who remains — and is remains, amirite, Misty?
  5. Episode 9 Head
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: Bees in the Trap Patti LuPone finally sings! Catatonically and depressingly, but we’ll take it.
  6. Episode 8 The Sacred Talking
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: Someone Else, Say ‘Swamp Witch’ Fiona: “less Samantha and more Endora with every day.”
  7. Episode 7 The Dead
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: The Dead “Are you James Franco?”
  8. Episode 6 The Axeman Cometh
  9. Episode 5 Burn, Witch. Burn!
    American Horror Story Recap: This Girl Is on Pyre Things are heating up. Literally.
  10. Episode 4 Fearful Pranks Ensue
  11. Episode 3 The Replacements
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ Wrong We have found the Seven Wonders, and they are all in this show.
  12. Episode 2 Body Parts
    American Horror Story: Coven Recap: Fried Chicks Like we’re supposed to believe someone as fabulous as Jessica Lange would use the Marimba ringtone …
  13. Episode 1 Bitchcraft
    American Horror Story: Coven Premiere Recap: Schoolhouse Wreck If you thought that you’d be spared truly dark stuff after last season’s Asylum … you thought wrong.
  1. Episode 13 Curtain Call
  2. Episode 12 Show Stoppers
    American Horror Story Recap: Shallow Graves After tonight, is there anyone on this show worth caring about?
  3. Episode 11 Magical Thinking
    American Horror Story Recap: Neil Patrick Harris’s Butt We’ll watch Neil Patrick Harris in anything.
  4. Episode 10 Orphans
    American Horror Story Recap: Back to the Asylum For the second week in a row, the ending really got us.
  5. Episode 9 Tupperware Party Massacre
    American Horror Story Recap: Good and Dandy Stay away from Tupperware parties.
  6. Episode 8 Blood Bath
    American Horror Story Recap: Bloody Good Show These carnies are supposed to be broke. Where do they get these amazing clothes?
  7. Episode 7 Test of Strength
  8. Episode 6 Bullseye
    American Horror Story Recap: Not So Fine and Dandy Someone needs to impose some rules on this show.
  9. Episode 5 Pink Cupcakes
  10. Episode 4 Edward Mordrake, Part 2
    American Horror Story: Freak Show Recap: Clowning Around This is the episode where it finally got good.
  11. Episode 3 Edward Mordrake, Part 1
    American Horror Story: Freak Show Recap: The Hair of Her Chinny-Chin-Chin I never quite understood why American Horror Story needs a Halloween episode.
  12. Episode 2 Massacres and Matinees
    American Horror Story: Freak Show Episode 2 Recap: Smooth Criminal This year, we’re doing a “songs from the future performed at a freak show in 1951” theme.
  13. Episode 1 Monsters Among Us
    American Horror Story: Freak Show Premiere Recap Contortionists of the world, unite and take over.
  1. Episode 12 Be Our Guest
    American Horror Story: Hotel Finale Recap: Closing Time Where’s Lady Gaga? This season finale really needs more of her.
  2. Episode 11 Battle Royale
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Queenie for a Day You only get to be a ghost if you’re a main character or Naomi Campbell.
  3. Episode 10 She Gets Revenge
    American Horror Story Recap: Why Is Dying the Only Way? Only vampires and people who listen to too much Morrissey will understand.
  4. Episode 9 She Wants Revenge
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: ’Til Death Do Us Party You’re still on probation, Ryan Murphy.
  5. Episode 8 The Ten Commandments Killer
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Lowe Blows Almost everything makes sense! That never happens in Murphyland.
  6. Episode 7 Flicker
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Ghouls on Film Thank God they were not zombies!
  7. Episode 6 Room 33
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Mother Monster There is nothing at all interesting about John Lowe. Not one single thing.
  8. Episode 5 Room Service
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Vaccine It All I might be almost, maybe, kinda, sorta, a little bit prepared to say that American Horror Story is good again. Almost. Maybe.
  9. Episode 4 Devil’s NIght
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Come On, Aileen I never quite understood why American Horror Story needed to have a Halloween episode.
  10. Episode 3 Mommy
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: Fountain of Euthanasia There are a lot of interesting stories going on here, but the one that I don’t give two Toblerones from the minibar about is the stupid killer.
  11. Episode 2 Chutes and Ladders
    American Horror Story: Hotel Recap: March of Crimes God, I really hope AHS didn’t blow its load before episode three.
  12. Episode 1 Checking In
    American Horror Story: Hotel Premiere Recap: The Bed Bugs Bite There is no way the Hotel Cortez could exist in modern-day Los Angeles, because if it did, I’d be booking a room faster than you can type Kayak dot com.
  1. Episode 10 Chapter 10
    AHS Finale Recap: Lana Winters of Our Discontent After a fitfully promising season, AHS: Roanoke limps to the finish line.
  2. Episode 9 Chapter Nine
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap — Revenge of the Millennials Enough with the “found footage” trope. It’s ludicrous and silly.
  3. Episode 8 Chapter Eight
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap: Deliverance From Evil We have a lot of questions after this letdown of an episode.
  4. Episode 7 Chapter Seven
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap: I’m Not Here to Make Friends “Chapter Seven” features some of the show’s most gruesome footage.
  5. Episode 6 Chapter Six
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap: The Nightmare Continues The season’s big twist is a stroke of genius.
  6. Episode 5 Chapter Five
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap: Nightmare’s End The big question: Where does everything go from here?
  7. Episode 4 Chapter Four
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap: The Blood Moon Holy exposition, Batman, this episode sure has a lot jammed into it.
  8. Episode 3 Chapter Three
    American Horror Story: Roanoke Recap: Small Medium at Large It’s official: Cricket Marlowe is my favorite person in Roanoke.
  9. Episode 2 Chapter Two
    American Horror Story Recap: Burning Man Like it or not, we’re stuck with My Roanoke Nightmare.
  10. Episode 1 Chapter One
    American Horror Story Season Premiere Recap: A Roanoke Nightmare American Horror Story has basically turned into The Blair Witch Project.
  1. Episode 11 Great Again
    American Horror Story: Cult Season-Finale Recap: Electoral Collage “Great Again” is less of a fright-fest than it is a fantasy.
  2. Episode 10 Charles (Manson) In Charge
    American Horror Story: Cult Recap: Winter Is Coming How will this inventive and insightful season end?
  3. Episode 9 Drink the Kool-Aid
    American Horror Story Recap: Kool-Aid and the Gang Why make Evan Peters dress up in bad wigs and a fat suit?
  4. Episode 8 Winter of Our Discontent
    American Horror Story: Cult Recap: The Gays of Our Lives There’s a lot of great, cutting Trump satire in this episode.
  5. Episode 7 Valerie Solanas Died For Your Sins, Scumbag
    American Horror Story: Cult Recap: Scum of the Earth Lena Dunham guest-stars as would-be Andy Warhol assassin Valerie Solanas.
  6. Episode 6 Mid-Western Assassin
    American Horror Story: Cult Recap: Beautiful Meadow AHS has never been more ambitious.
  7. Episode 5 Holes
    American Horror Story: Cult Recap: Nailed It! This is a gruesome, frightening, and downright unnerving episode.
  8. Episode 4 11/9
    American Horror Story Recap: Fake News “The fear in a small town in Michigan can infect the whole country.”
  9. Episode 3 Neighbors From Hell
    American Horror Story Recap: A-Tisket, A-Casket The clowns aren’t a figment of Ally’s imagination, but what if everything else is?
  10. Episode 2 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
    American Horror Story Recap: The People in Your Neighborhood This is a remarkably subtle and sinister story.
  11. Episode 1 Election Night
    American Horror Story: Cult Recap: Send in the Clowns Who will be the season’s biggest villain: Killer clowns or Donald Trump?
  1. Episode 10 Apocalypse Then
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Finale Recap: The End Justifies the Mean It’s the Antichrist’s blood-soaked last stand as the season comes to a close in peak AHS fashion.
  2. Episode 9 Fire and Reign
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: All My Friends Are Dead As the apocalypse draws nigh, humanity’s last hope may be … time travel?
  3. Episode 8 Sojourn
    AHS Apocalypse Recap: Are You There Satan? It’s Me, Michael A very special Halloween episode of American Horror Story.
  4. Episode 7 Traitor
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: I Got the Voodoo for You Witches Are Cordelia’s powers fading because there’s a new Supreme on the rise?
  5. Episode 6 Return to Murder House
    American Horror Story Recap: The Crossover Event of the Century Sarah Paulson makes her directing debut in a standout episode that returns to where the series began.
  6. Episode 5 “Boy Wonder”
    American Horror Story Recap: Stevie Nicks! From now on, every AHS episode should feature a 10-minute musical performance.
  7. Episode 4 Could It Be … Satan?
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: Could It Be … Backstory? Michael Langdon is maybe, probably, definitely Satan.
  8. Episode 3 Forbidden Fruit
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: Surprise B! The Coven is back and they are taking names!
  9. Episode 2 The Morning After
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: Rubberman Can! There are still no witches. Where my coven at?
  10. Episode 1 The End
    American Horror Story: Apocalypse Recap: No Whimpers, All Bangs It’s the end of the world as we know it and there’s a lot of strange happenings among those chosen to survive as a new season kicks off.
  1. Episode 10 The Future Perfect
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: Happy Evacuation Day It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel … nonplussed.
  2. Episode 9 Blue Moon
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: One Small Step Mamie Eisenhower gives up her body for the national cause.
  3. Episode 8 Inside
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: Hope for the Future Sarah Paulson says the word “fudge.” More than once. That’s good television.
  4. Episode 7 Take Me To Your Leader
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: There’s Been an Incursion These aliens lurking about seem to be dead set on making everyone pregnant.
  5. Episode 6 Winter Kills
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: These Are Winter Problems Part one wraps up the bloodier-than-usual winter in Provincetown. Onto Hollywood and aliens, baby!
  6. Episode 5 Gaslight
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: Pottery Barn Hell Baby Eli is barely five minutes out of the womb and his sister is chomping his foot and his mom is turning into a Pale Person? Tough break, kid.
  7. Episode 4 Blood Buffet
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: The Occipital Lobe An origin story of the black pills, Belle Noir, and the Chemist satisfies some speculations, but speculating is more fun than getting answers.
  8. Episode 3 Thirst
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Recap: Rosebud Nothing quite like seeing a father and daughter bond over murder and blood-drinking. Truly heartwarming stuff.
  9. Episodes 1 - 2 Cape Fear / Pale
    American Horror Story: Double Feature Premiere Recap: Perfectly Ordinary If you’ve ever lost sleep wondering just how talented you are, if at all, the two-part premiere of Double Feature is gonna really froth you up.
  1. Episodes 9 - 10 A Requiem: 1981/1987, Parts One and Two
    American Horror Story Season-Finale Recap: An AIDS Elegy It doesn’t matter whether it was a good season of AHS: It was good television.
  2. Episodes 7 - 8 The Sentinel / Fire Island
    American Horror Story Recap: Fear on Fire Island What comes after the Mai Tai Killer?
  3. Episodes 5 - 6 Bad Fortune / The Body
    American Horror Story Recap: In the Cards Does this really feel like a season of American Horror Story? And is that a criticism or a compliment?
  4. Episodes 3 - 4 Smoke Signals / Black Out
    American Horror Story Recap: The Choke of Shame For once, it feels like AHS is just getting started rather than beginning to fall apart.
  5. Episodes 1 - 2 ‘Something’s Coming’ / ‘Thank You For Your Service’
    American Horror Story: NYC Season-Premiere Recap: Scary Island This slow-burn two-episode premiere makes season 11 feel a lot like a continuation of Dahmer.
  1. Episode 9 The Auteur
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: I’m the Auteur, Bitch The AHS finale lets Anna “have it all” but also implies that women can’t have a career and a family without selling themselves in the process.
  2. Episode 8 Little Gold Man
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: Sealed With a Kiss In which Kim Kardashian talks about poop.
  3. Episode 7 Ave Hestia
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: Brooklyn Witches Oh, a millennia-old conspiracy to birth the Antichrist? Why yes, I’ve heard that one before.
  4. Episode 6 Opening Night
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: When the Bough Breaks At this point in the series, the unexplained recurrence of a vaguely witchy woman barely kicks up surprise.
  5. Episode 5 Preech
    American Horror Story: Delicate Midseason-Finale Recap: Let’s Make a Deal As we hit the season’s halfway point, the seemingly odd occurrences are finally stacking up to suggest some meaning.
  6. Episode 4 Vanishing Twin
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: Anna Victoria Vomcott’s Revenge An evil origin story that takes us back to the reign of Bloody Mary? Now we’re talking, AHS.
  7. Episode 3 When the Bough Breaks
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: All of Them Witches The idea of having a “baby” distracts Anna from all the very troubling things happening to her.
  8. Episode 2 Rockabye
    American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: For Your Consideration After years of trying to make it as an actor and become a mother, Anna finds all her dreams coming true simultaneously. It’s a nightmare.
  9. Episode 1 Multiply Thy Pain
    American Horror Story: Delicate Season-Premiere Recap: Cycles The violent condition of pregnancy and Kim Kardashian: two things that are perfect for AHS.

More American Horror Story

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    The 20 Best TV Witches, RankedFrom kawaii “magical girls” to strict Satanist aunties to voodoo queens and immortal sorceresses.
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    Is Grotesquerie Just Another American Horror Story?It isn’t. But also, in a way, it is.
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    Every American Horror Story Season, Ranked From Worst to BestWith the end of American Horror Story: Delicate, let’s look back at the ups and crazy, crazy downs of the past 12 seasons.
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    The 16 Most Unforgettable Scenes in American Horror Story HistoryThis is not for the weak-stomached.
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    Kim Kardashian Returns to Terrorize New York in AHS: Delicate - Part 2Part 2 comes to FX April 3.
  7. kim vs kim
    Who’s Kim Tormenting This Week?It took some time for Siobhan to surpass Kim’s torture of Kourtney, but we got there.
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    Who’s Kim Tormenting This Week?Kardashians Kim seems to be taking her AHS character’s advice as she slowly but surely rehabs her villainous image. Siobhan, on the other hand …
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    Who’s Kim Tormenting This Week?Whether she’s 2,500 miles away on The Kardashians or playing a fictional character on AHS: Delicate, Kim will find a way to harass her sisters.
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    Who’s Afraid of Kim Kardashian?A weekly report on who did it scarier: American Horror Story’s Siobhan (Kim Kardashian) or The Kardashians’s Kim (also Kim Kardashian).
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