Away — TV Episode Recaps & News


  1. Episode 10 Home
    Away Season-Finale Recap: Touchdown Remember when people actually thought they could keep work and personal separate on this mission?
  2. Episode 9 Spektr
    Away Recap: Fourth Grade Science Experiments in Space If these guys actually make it to Mars there’s gonna be some explaining to do!
  3. Episode 8 Vital Signs
    Away Recap: A Very Faint and Dangerous Hope If this mission is a success, the world has Lu to thank.
  4. Episode 7 Goodnight, Mars
    Away Recap: Not a Drop to Drink “I never should have come” is definitely a sentence you never want to hear from your commander while six months into a three-year trip to Mars.
  5. Episode 6 A Little Faith
    Away Recap: The Space Botanist The latest crisis to plague the Atlas crew provides us with some welcome insight into Kwesi’s backstory, and who he is now.
  6. Episode 5 Space Dogs
    Away Recap: The Bluest Christmas Think of the most emotional phone call you’ve ever had and multiply the intensity and heaviness by, like, 1,000. Happy holidays!
  7. Episode 4 Excellent Chariots
    Away Recap: Burning Up Obviously, the first manned mission to Mars is going to hit some bumps in the road, but the Atlas crew has been hitting some really big bumps.
  8. Episode 3 Half the Sky
    Away Recap: My Achy Breaky Heart This show really has a thing for emotionally gutting space-to-Earth phone calls, doesn’t it?
  9. Episode 2 Negative Return
    Away Recap: Just a Casual Little Space Walk That whole lack-of-trust thing between Emma and Misha comes to a head in the most dramatic of fashions.
  10. Episode 1 Go
    Away Series-Premiere Recap: Great Balls of Fire Floating workplace drama meets family drama meets chemical-reaction drama as the crew of the Atlas I begins its long journey to Mars.

The Latest Away News

  1. cancellations
    Hilary Swank’s Space Drama Away Canceled After One Season on Netflix Sad space journey just got sadder.
  2. mars madness
    Everything That Goes Wrong on Away Chemical leak? Check. Mechanical failure? Check. Severe dehydration? Double check! Space blindness?? Oh, that’s a check.
  3. tv review
    Away Is on a Low-Key Mission to Mars Hilary Swank and Josh Charles lead this new Netflix drama, in which the stakes are low and the threat of space schmaltz is high.
  4. trailer mix
    Netflix’s Away Trailer: Mars Needs Moms, But Dammit, So Do We Hilary Swank stars in the upcoming sci-fi drama series, which premieres on September 4.
  5. casting
    Hilary Swank Is Going to Space for Netflix Series Away Put more actresses in space.
  6. the early word
    Book Expo GalleyWatch: Which Fall Books Got the Biggest Push?