Billions — TV Episode Recaps & News


Photo: Laurence Cendrowicz/Laurence Cendrowicz/SHOWTIME

Mike Prince is aiming for the White House, but he’ll have to go through Chuck, Wendy, Wags, Taylor, and Axe. The battle for wealth, power, and entitlement is ending, but will any of these characters face true justice? Billions’ seventh and final season sees the return of Damian Lewis as Bobby “Axe” Axelrod.

  1. Episode 12 The Conversation
    Billions Season Finale Recap: Be Gone The Bobby Axelrod philosophy: “We are friends for life, or you don’t exist to me.”
  2. Episode 11 Magical Thinking
    Billions Recap: Gotta Serve Somebody “Magical Thinking” boasts incredible performances from Damian Lewis, Maggie Siff, and Paul Giamatti.
  3. Episode 10 Quality of Life
    Billions Recap: Chess Moves Chuck and Axe are more alike than they’d care to admit.
  4. Episode 9 Where the F*ck Is Donnie?
    Billions Recap: A Question of Decency In Malin Akerman’s best episode to date, Billions finally shifts focus to Lara Axelrod.
  5. Episode 8 Boasts and Rails
    Billions Recap: Doing Bad to Do Good Axe’s shady 9/11 secrets are finally exposed.
  6. Episode 7 The Punch
    Billions Recap: The Bojangle Don’t demand things from Chuck Rhoades.
  7. Episode 6 The Deal
    Billions Recap: Scorched Earth This is the episode that Billions has been building toward all season.
  8. Episode 5 The Good Life
    Billions Recap: Xanadu “A couple more days, it will be Lord of the Flies in here.”
  9. Episode 4 Short Squeeze
    Billions Recap: Master of Puppets Everything orbits Bobby Axelrod. Even Metallica.
  10. Episode 3 YumTime
    Billions Recap: Coffee Is for Closers It’s a shark-eat-shark world.
  11. Episode 2 Naming Rights
    Billions Recap: Riderless Horse Bobby Axelrod never forgets.
  12. Episode 1 Pilot
    Billions Series Premiere Recap: Fresh Bull Welcome to the world of Billions, where there’s no gray area between friends and enemies.
  1. Episode 12 Ball in Hand
    Billions Season-Finale Recap: Worth It “Ball in Hand” is a brilliant end to an excellent season.
  2. Episode 11 Golden Frog Time
    Billions Recap: Even the Losers The fallout from Chuck’s big move in “Golden Frog Time” will be catastrophic.
  3. Episode 10 With or Without You
    Billions Recap: The Golden Child Are Wendy and Chuck really back together?
  4. Episode 9 Sic Transit Imperium
    Billions Recap: Rocking With the Marauders The self-destructiveness of both Axe and Chuck, and its consequences, is on display.
  5. Episode 8 The Kingmaker
    Billions Recap: The Bull Who Gets All the Cows Chuck’s power grows and Axe’s fixation on the Sandicot deal further consumes him.
  6. Episode 7 Victory Lap
    Billions Recap: Agents of Chaos Axe and Chuck face major turning points in their careers.
  7. Episode 6 Indian Four
    Billions Recap: Reaching Détente Chuck Rhoades wins a lot in “Indian Four,” but he loses what matters to him most of all.
  8. Episode 5 Currency
    Billions Recap: Wag the Dog Welcome back, Wags!
  9. Episode 4 The Oath
    Billions Recap: Tears in Rain Chuck and Axe have their first meeting since the end of last season.
  10. Episode 3 Optimal Play
    Billions Recap: The Big Slick A lean season continues its wonderfully streamlined pace.
  11. Episode 2 Dead Cat Bounce
    Billions Recap: A Calculated Risk “Dead Cat Bounce” introduces a lot of new faces to Billions.
  12. Episode 1 Risk Management
    Billions Season-Premiere Recap: Jump Into the Fire The second season of Billions is off to a strong start.
  1. Episode 12 Elmsley Count
    Billions Season Finale Recap: Pest Control All hail the birth of a beautiful and stupendous villain in Wendy Rhoades.
  2. Episode 11 Kompenso
    Billions Recap: Comp Day The stakes for the last few episodes of the season have been raised.
  3. Episode 10 Redemption
    Billions Recap: All in a Day’s Work Grigor, Bobby, Sacker, and Taylor manage to change others’ perceptions of them in a single day — for better or for worse.
  4. Episode 9 Icebreaker
    Billions Recap: I’ve Got a Bad Feeling About This We have ourselves a new (well, “new”) pair of Big Bads for the remainder of the season.
  5. Episode 8 All the Wilburys
    Billions Recap: O Captain My Captain It’s possible we jammed in a few too many story arcs this week.
  6. Episode 7 Not You, Mr. Dake
    Billions Recap: Jesus Christ, Chuck If Axe can still surprise you with chicanery, you haven’t been paying attention.
  7. Episode 6 The Third Ortolan
    Billions Recap: Break the Stick If you think you’re already going to jail, why not eat a tiny illegal songbird?
  8. Episode 5 Flaw in the Death Star
    Billions Recap: Walk on the Wild Side No one tells Dollar Bill what to do.
  9. Episode 4 Hell of a Ride
    Billions Recap: I Learned It From Watching You, Dad! Get your dad feelings ready for this Rhoades v. Rhoades showdown.
  10. Episode 3 A Generation Too Late
  11. Episode 2 The Wrong Maria Gonzalez
    Billions Recap: Black Swan Axe is terrible at sitting still and not getting himself into trouble.
  12. Episode 1 Tie Goes to the Runner
    Billions Season-Premiere Recap: The Boys Are Back in Town Has Team Windbreakers finally pinned Team Half-Zip Navy Pullovers against the wall?
  1. Episode 12 Extreme Sandbox
    Billions Recap: Rivalry Rebooted An excellent finale clears the decks and sets the stage for next season, leaving some major casualties in its wake.
  2. Episode 11 Lamster
    Billions Recap: Bad for Business The season’s penultimate episode is riddled with ambiguity, which is exactly why it’s so enthralling.
  3. Episode 10 New Year’s Day
    Billions Recap: The Moment Axe’s pep talk to Wendy underlines why allies are much more important than loved ones in the world of Billions.
  4. Episode 9 American Champion
    Billions Recap: Structural Weakness As usual, it’s a ton of fun watching Chuck carry out his schemes, even though they never amount to anything.
  5. Episode 8 Fight Night
    Billions Recap: Acts of Aggression While Mafee and Dollar Bill go head to head in a charity boxing match, outside the ring, the gloves come off.
  6. Episode 7 Infinite Game
    Billions Recap: Permanent Damage In an episode with no shortage of sociopathic behavior, Taylor proves they’re still the most human of anyone in the Billions universe.
  7. Episode 6 Maximum Recreational Depth
    Billions Recap: Side Mission This episode reopens the discussion of whether Wendy is the most nefarious character on the show, and as of this moment, all signs point to yes.
  8. Episode 5 A Proper Sendoff
    Billions Recap: The Payback After last week’s game changer, Billions returns to business as usual (i.e., lots of revenge) while still leaving us with several big teases.
  9. Episode 4 Overton Window
    Billions Recap: World Gone Wrong The alliance between onetime archenemies Axe and Chuck has proven to be a savvy business decision for both. But is this really a victory?
  10. Episode 3 Chickentown
    Billions Recap: War Isn’t Over Chuck solidifies his position as a submissive by indebting himself to Axe in a way he’ll never be able to repay.
  11. Episode 2 Arousal Template
    Billions Recap: Zugzwang Our alpha males take a back seat as Taylor discreetly maneuvers a genius play and Wendy grapples with her own, long-dormant needs.
  12. Episode 1 Chucky Rhoades’s Greatest Game
    Billions Recap: You Gotta Pick Sides Four seasons in, and the adrenaline rush of the game continues to fuel our main players’ existences — but at some seriously crippling costs.
  1. Episode 12 No Direction Home
    Billions Season-Finale Recap: How Does It Feel? The finale primes the characters for next season with a new villain in town.
  2. Episode 11 Victory Smoke
    Billions Recap: Chains of Love So many complicated schemes with many moving parts are perfectly orchestrated as everyone’s plans start to click into place.
  3. Episode 10 Liberty
    Billions Recap: Eggs at Dawn When it comes to Axe and Wendy, nothing says romance like stalking and destroying another man’s livelihood.
  4. Episode 9 Implosion
    Billions Recap: Who’s Your Son Now? Let’s enjoy in some speculation as to whether Axe’s latest outrageous venture will finally be the one that breaks him.
  5. Episode 8 Copenhagen
    Billions Midseason-Premiere Recap: Keep It Hygge Fourteen months after going on hiatus, Billions returns still knee-deep in most of the season’s major story arcs.
  6. Episode 7 The Limitless Sh*t
    Billions Midseason Finale Recap: Axe’s Little Helper Axe Cap is in a 21st-century version of that Mad Men episode where everybody took speed.
  7. Episode 6 The Nordic Model
    Billions Recap: Private Eyes As Axe’s possessive nature goes into overdrive, his interest in Wendy shifts from potentially romantic to disturbingly stalkerish.
  8. Episode 5 Contract
    Billions Recap: Family Drama As Axe revisits the watershed moment that set him on his path to wealth and power, Chuck is tasked with saving his father’s life.
  9. Episode 4 Opportunity Zone
    Billions Recap: Home Sweet Home Welcome to the show, Julianna Margulies!
  10. Episode 3 Beg, Bribe, Bully
    Billions Recap: Sins of the Father Any failure of Gordie’s is a reflection on Axe. Which means, Axe is gonna Axe.
  11. Episode 2 The Chris Rock Test
    Billions Recap: Dark Passenger This show has no shortage of monsters, and they’re all equally repugnant.
  12. Episode 1 The New Decas
    Billions Season-Premiere Recap: Bad Company Now that Axe has neutralized Taylor (or so he thinks), dude needs a new fight to get the juices flowing. Hello, Mike Prince.
  1. Episode 12 Cold Storage
    Billions Season-Finale Recap: The Biggest Losers Mike Prince and Chuck Rhoades close out the season thinking they’ve won, but neither has looked more pathetic.
  2. Episode 11 Succession
    Billions Recap: I Like Mike Last week’s sinister buildup turns out to be Billions’ take on the nightmare that was the Trump administration.
  3. Episode 10 Johnny Favorite
    Billions Recap: Dance With the Devil Chuck thinks he has Prince’s number, prompting yet another incredible comeback.
  4. Episode 9 Hindenburg
    Billions Recap: Oh, The Humanity As it always goes with Billions, the tables have turned yet again, and it’s Chuck who is on the receiving end of Prince’s maneuvering.
  5. Episode 8 The Big Ugly
    Billions Recap: American Dream Prince’s ego and relationship take a huge blow. Chuck is looking sad and exhausted. In typical Billions fashion, no one wins.
  6. Episode 7 Napoleon’s Hat
    Billions Recap: Strings Attached Prince’s grand romantic gesture is just another example of his desire to control everyone in his life.
  7. Episode 6 Hostis Humani Generis
    Billions Recap: The Gilded Age Chuck reveals his long game to taking down Prince.
  8. Episode 5 Rock of Eye
    Billions Recap: Pyramid of Success One of the downsides of becoming an ensemble drama is that expanding the storylines can lead to too many plotlines crammed into a bloated episode.
  9. Episode 4 Burn Rate
    Billions Recap: The Queen’s Gambit Not only has Chuck lost his asset, but that asset is now working for his enemy.
  10. Episode 3 STD
    Billions Recap: Olympic Fever Just as the Olympics are getting under way in Beijing this weekend, so is Billions’ hard push to bring the Games to New York City.
  11. Episode 2 Lyin’ Eyes
    Billions Recap: Statement Win Chuck reminds everyone that he still has a monster lurking inside of him.
  12. Episode 1 Cannonade
    Billions Season-Premiere Recap: War Games With the departure of Bobby Axelrod, Billions reinvents itself as an ensemble drama.
  1. Episode 12 Admirals Fund
    Billions Series-Finale Recap: Take the Money and Run Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the warmest and fuzziest episode of Billions ever!
  2. Episode 11 Axe Global
    Billions Recap: Minted It looks like Prince has defeated Team Axe/Chuck, but there has to be more to their plan, right?
  3. Episode 10 Enemies List
    Billions Recap: Welcome Home, Bobby It’s great to have Axe back doing Axe things, but it’s disappointing that it comes at the expense of Wendy.
  4. Episode 9 Game Theory Optimal
    Billions Recap: Uneasy Alliance Prince has finally caught up to Wendy, Wags, and Taylor’s mutiny, which means it’s Axe time, baby.
  5. Episode 8 The Owl
    Billions Recap: Pissing in the Wind Mike Prince has entered his final form. The team needs Axe if they’re going to take him down.
  6. Episode 7 DMV
    Billions Recap: Leave It to Senior Billions finally gets into fighting shape.
  7. Episode 6 The Man in the Olive Drab T-Shirt
    Billions Recap: Double Turn The return of John Malkovich’s terrifying Russian oligarch leaves Chuck and Axe on good terms.
  8. Episode 5 The Gulag Archipelago
    Billions Recap: I’ll Wait We’re still waiting for the group to get their plan to take down Prince in motion. It’s taking too long.
  9. Episode 4 Hurricane Rosie
    Billions Recap: Bittersweet Symphony Prince is making moves and consolidating power on his march toward the presidency — the Rebel Alliance needs to bulk up.
  10. Episode 3 Winston Dick Energy
    Billions Recap: Hamster Wheel With no Axe this week, we return to a business-as-usual model with some special guests in the mix to keep things interesting.
  11. Episode 2 Original Sin
    Billions Recap: It Ain’t Me, Babe LOL to the notion that a sex scandal would preclude a man from becoming president.
  12. Episode 1 Tower of London
    Billions Season-Premiere Recap: Rebel Alliance Wendy is getting the gang back together. And you know what that means — Axe is back, baby!

More on Billions

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