Bojack Horseman - TV Episode Recaps & News

Bojack Horseman

  1. Episode 12 That Went Well
    BoJack Horseman Season-Finale Recap: Wild Horses This season has been an embarrassment of riches.
  2. Episode 11 That’s Too Much, Man!
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Bender “In the great grand scheme of things, we’re just tiny specks that will one day be forgotten.”
  3. Episode 10 It’s You
    BoJack Horseman Recap: A Fetish for Sadness “You are all the things that are wrong with you.”
  4. Episode 9 Best Thing That Ever Happened
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Fighting Fires Few shows understand their characters as well as BoJack Horseman does.
  5. Episode 8 Old Acquaintance
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Good Guys Is BoJack the villain of this story?
  6. Episode 7 Stop The Presses
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Closer Character Actress Margo Martindale strikes again!
  7. Episode 6 Brrap Brrap Pew Pew
    BoJack Horseman Recap: N.B.D. BoJack confronts the abortion debate in a direct, unapologetic manner.
  8. Episode 5 Love and/or Marriage
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Loneliest Feeling in the World “To quote the tagline for the movie Cool Runnings…”
  9. Episode 4 Fish Out of Water
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Under the Sea From start to finish, this is a blissfully ambitious episode.
  10. Episode 3 BoJack Kills
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Whale World This season is going right for the emotional jugular, isn’t it?
  11. Episode 2 The BoJack Horseman Show
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Remember 2007? Who’s ready for a flashback episode?
  12. Episode 1 Start Spreading the News
    BoJack Horseman Season Premiere Recap: One Really Good Night BoJack is a very different horseman than he once was.
  1. Episode 12 What Time Is It Right Now
    BoJack Horseman Season Finale Recap: The Broken Horse For the first time in BoJack’s entire life, he is enough.
  2. Episode 11 Time’s Arrow
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Henrietta Time’s arrow is a spinning compass.
  3. Episode 10 lovin that cali lifestyle!!
    BoJack Horseman Recap: One Week Later BoJack screws up the one thing you can’t screw up.
  4. Episode 9 Ruthie
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Future Perfect “Ruthie” is the season’s best episode yet.
  5. Episode 8 The Judge
    BoJack Horseman Recap: That’s Just How It Is Princess Carolyn meets Ralph’s wealthy family.
  6. Episode 7 Underground
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Pressure Plus Time Diane is the most complex character on BoJack Horseman.
  7. Episode 6 Stupid Piece of Shit
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Mind Is a Minefield An episode that connects all the horrible dots of BoJack’s behavior.
  8. Episode 5 Thoughts and Prayers
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Fight the Power(less) BoJack has spent his life looking for the love he never got.
  9. Episode 4 Commence Fracking
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Three Little Lies Who is Hollyhock’s mother?
  10. Episode 4 Commence Fracking
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Three Little Lies Who is Hollyhock’s mother?
  11. Episode 3 Hooray! Todd Episode!
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Kind of Working for Todd Let’s take a moment to appreciate Todd.
  12. Episode 2 The Old Sugarman Place
    BoJack Horseman Recap: But Memories They Last A flashback episode reveals BoJack’s inherited family trauma.
  13. Episode 1 See Mr. Peanutbutter Run
    BoJack Horseman Season Premiere Recap: The Void of BoJack This is the best show ever made about Hollywood.
  1. Episode 12 The Stopped Show
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Because It Was Abby The season concludes with BoJack making a hard decision with some help from an old friend.
  2. Episode 11 The Showstopper
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Til the Curtains Fall BoJack’s addiction takes him to some dark places in an episode that blends fantasy and reality.
  3. Episode 10 Head in the Clouds
    BoJack Horseman Recap: What Separates Philbert? BoJack’s own existence blurs with that of his tortured character.
  4. Episode 9 Ancient History
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Crashing BoJack’s reunion with Hollyhocks takes a dark turn that forces him to confront some of his deep-seated issues.
  5. Episode 8 Mr. Peanutbutter’s Boos
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Merry Wives of Peanutbutter Mr. Peanutbutter reflects on his relationships, and decades of Halloween parties, in a time-shifting episode.
  6. Episode 7 INT. SUB
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Bobo the Angsty Zebra BoJack tries therapy while Diane uses extreme measures to end Flip’s writer’s block.
  7. Episode 6 Free Churro
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Eulogy BoJack says good-bye to his mother, and works through some feelings about existence itself, in a standout episode.
  8. Episode 5 The Amelia Earhart Story
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Losing Numbers Princess Carolyn returns home in a flashback-filled episode.
  9. Episode 4 BoJack The Feminist
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Apology Tour BoJack tries to be a good feminist ally, with mixed results.
  10. Episode 3 Planned Obsolescence
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Zero Expectations Mr. Peanutbutter gets to know Pickles while BoJack and Gina’s relationship meets some challenges.
  11. Episode 2 The Dog Days Are Over
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Alone and Adrift Diane embarks on a journey of discovery that doesn’t quite go as planned.
  12. Episode 1 The Light Bulb Scene
    BoJack Horseman Season-Premiere Recap: Everyone’s Fine With It But You As BoJack makes an earnest effort to be a better person, he discovers the world doesn’t necessarily want him to achieve that goal.
  1. Episode 16 Nice While It Lasted
    BoJack Horseman Series Finale Recap: Hollywoob Ending The time has come to say goodbye to a very complicated horseman, and to all the other characters we’ve seen evolve over the course of this series.
  2. Episode 15 The View from Halfway Down
    BoJack Horseman Recap: That Sinking Feeling It was always going to end like this, right?
  3. Episode 14 Angela
    BoJack Horseman Recap: A Horse With No Name A long-lost connection gets in touch to relieve BoJack of the life raft he’s been clinging to: his legacy.
  4. Episode 13 The Horny Unicorn
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Seeking a Friend for the End of the Series With pretty much the entire world against him, BoJack takes up with Vance Waggoner for a predictably bleak series of misadventures.
  5. Episode 12 Xerox of a Xerox
    BoJack Horseman Recap: On the Record The time has come for everyone—BoJack, his victims, his closest friends, and the audience itself—to reckon with the reality of BoJack’s past.
  6. Episode 11 Sunk Cost and All That
    BoJack Horseman Recap: The Truth Will Out With BoJack’s worst deeds finally coming back to haunt him, Princess Carolyn and Diane perform an audit of their friend’s darkest moments.
  7. Episode 10 Good Damage
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Write What You Know We take a Chicago-Style deep dive into Diane Nguyen as she self-flagellates over her memoir.
  8. Episode 9 Intermediate Scene Study w/ BoJack Horseman
    BoJack Horseman Recap: School Daze Professor BoJack acclimates to his new life at Wesleyan just in time for a voice from the past to turn it back upside down.
  9. Episode 8 A Quick One, While He’s Away
    BoJack Horseman Midseason Finale Recap: Collateral Damage Against all odds, BoJack has changed, but the wreckage he’s left in his wake is about to catch up to him.
  10. Episode 7 The Face of Depression
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Peace Be With You BoJack’s decision to live a newly generous and relatively selfless life sparks a series of theoretical happy endings.
  11. Episode 6 The Kidney Stays in the Picture
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Renal Recall A signature Todd mess-around adventure is also an acknowledgment of one of the series’ biggest blind spots.
  12. Episode 5 A Little Uneven, Is All
    BoJack Horseman Recap: They Tried to Make Me Exit Rehab, I Said No, No, No While BoJack manufactures reasons to stay ensconced in the warm hug of the rehab clinic, his friends deal with dramatic problems on the outside.
  13. Episode 4 Surprise!
    BoJack Horseman Recap: But Is There a Mrs. Peanutbutter? The truth was always going to come out eventually — and just as inevitably, it was going to come out at the worst possible time.
  14. Episode 3 Feel-Good Story
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Mergers and Acquisitions While Diane takes a break from L.A., GirlCroosh gets folded into a massive, incoherent-sounding media company.
  15. Episode 2 The New Client
    BoJack Horseman Recap: Why Princess Carolyn Still Can’t Have It All Princess Carolyn got what she wanted, which means it’s time for her to realize she doesn’t know what she wants.
  16. Episode 1 A Horse Walking Into a Rehab
    BoJack Horseman Season-Premiere Recap: Rinse and Repeat The final season kicks off with some new and hopeful signs that BoJack’s patterns of self-destruction may finally be breaking.

The Latest Bojack Horseman News

  1. honor the snot
    The Hardest Cries I Ever Animated “We don’t want watery, thin tears that just stream down the face; I want thick surface tension.”
  2. jokes
    BoJack Creator Shares a Joke Netflix Censored to Raise Money for Trans Lifeline “They were worried it might upset David Fincher.”
  3. hardest things
    The Hardest Thing I Ever Animated Sixteen animators and artists from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, BoJack Horseman, Rick and Morty, Toy Story, and more recall their toughest gigs.
  4. apologies
    Alison Brie Regrets Voicing a Vietnamese-American Character Brie voiced Diane Nguyen on Bojack Horseman.
  5. oral history
    An Oral History of How BoJack Horseman Almost Killed BoJack Horseman The show’s creators on making a trippy, creepy, death-obsessed penultimate episode.
  6. close reads
    BoJack Horseman Understood the Hardest Thing About Addiction “Recovery” is far more complex than simply not using.
  7. spoilers
    The Good Place and BoJack Horseman Died As They Lived These wonderfully existential shows confronted death to emphasize the meaning of life.
  8. spoilers
    BoJack Horseman Fades to Black To fully process that series finale we must first discuss that doozy of a penultimate episode.
  9. tv review
    In the End, BoJack Horseman Is So Much More Than BoJack Horseman On of TV’s best anti-heroes gets a fitting farewell that stretches far beyond the concerns of one single, flawed equine male.
  10. trailer mix
    BoJack Horseman Is Kind of a Zaddy in the Show’s Final Trailer Hi-yo Silver Fox, away!