Fear the Walking Dead - TV Episode Recaps & News

Fear the Walking Dead

  1. Episode 6 The Good Man
    Fear the Walking Dead Finale Recap: The Agony of Not Knowing This show is at its best when it ambles from one moment to the next.
  2. Episode 5 Cobalt
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Torture Is Fine by Me “I don’t like doing knock-knock raids on civilians; it’s bad for morale.”
  3. Episode 4 Not Fade Away
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Rooting for Evil Almost every one of Fear the Walking Dead’s protagonists seems incapable of holding competing thoughts in their heads.
  4. Episode 3 The Dog
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Zombies Ate My Neighbors How much mileage can you get out of a single reanimated corpse?
  5. Episode 2 So Close, Yet So Far
    FTWD Recap: Well-Meaning Madness People aren’t making sense.
  6. Episode 1 Pilot
  1. Episodes 14 - 15 “Wrath” and “North”
    Fear the Walking Dead Season Finale Recap: Losing Faith Fear the Walking Dead doesn’t know where to pull its audience.
  2. Episode 13 Date of Death
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Plausible Deniability “Date of Death” is a showcase for the show’s most frustrating and endearing quirks.
  3. Episode 12 Pillar of Salt
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Looking Back I’m with Madison all the way.
  4. Episode 11 Pablo & Jessica
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: If You Love Me, Prove It “Pablo & Jessica” feels loose in ways that few episodes do.
  5. Episode 10 Do Not Disturb
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Out on a Ledge Yet again, Fear the Walking Dead won’t play fair with expectations.
  6. Episode 9 Los Muertos
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Tired of Surviving Is anybody on this show capable of talking like a human?
  7. Episode 8 Grotesque
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Follow the Crimson Road The show still doesn’t have a firm grasp on its characters, but “Grotesque” is a step in the right direction.
  8. Episode 7 Shiva
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Burning It All Down “Shiva” is a lumpy mid-season finale, but it ultimately satisfies.
  9. Episode 6 Sicut Cervus
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Don’t Feed the Zombies The first dud in an otherwise compelling season.
  10. Episode 5 Captives
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: The Laws of Nature Helicopter mom to the rescue!
  11. Episode 4 Blood in the Streets
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: A Touch of Class Warfare Thomas is an true alpha predator.
  12. Episode 3 Ouroboros
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: The Survivor’s Dilemma Crabs in his guts! That zombie had crabs in his guts!
  13. Episode 2 We All Fall Down
    Fear the Walking Dead Recap: Meet the Survivalists This show is at its best when it poses questions without easy answers.
  14. Episode 1 Monster
    Fear the Walking Dead Season Premiere Recap: Everybody Into the Water! Fear the Walking Dead is too frustrating to be great, but too eccentric to be dismissed.

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