Foundation — TV Episode Recaps & News


  1. Episode 10 Creation Myths
  2. Episode 9 Long Ago, Not Far Away
    Foundation Recap: Robot and Empire Who knew the fate of humanity is better off in the hands of a murder robot.
  3. Episode 8 The Last Empress
    Foundation Recap: I, Demerzel It’s Demerzel’s time to shine.
  4. Episode 7 A Necessary Death
    Foundation Recap: Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy Are the very moves Cleon’s making to save the Empire going to doom it after all?
  5. Episode 6 Why the Gods Made Wine
    Foundation Recap: Destroyer of Worlds Did you ever hear the tragedy of Hari Seldon the Wise?
  6. Episode 5 The Sighted and the Seen
    Foundation Recap: Forget It, Jake, It’s Trantor Foundation’s endless empire of clones makes for a Succession-type family drama.
  7. Episode 4 Where the Stars Are Scattered Thinly
    Foundation Recap: To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before Among the big, galaxy-changing events, Foundation has enough time to do a little Star Trek episode.
  8. Episode 3 King and Commoner
    Foundation Recap: The Grifter and the General Foundation ushers in new characters who bring a new perspective to the series, but are these individuals great enough to change the future?
  9. Episode 2 A Glimpse of Darkness
    Foundation Recap: A Tale of Two Foundations We finally get a proper explanation of the two Foundations and an introduction to what seems to be the ultimate villain of Foundation.
  10. Episode 1 In Seldon’s Shadow
    Foundation Season-Premiere Recap: The Emperor Has No Clothes Foundation is going for big, fun absurdity in the season premiere … with a naked Lee Pace fighting off assassins.

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