I Am The Night — TV Episode Recaps & News

I Am The Night

  1. Episode 6 Queen’s Gambit, Accepted
    I Am the Night Finale Recap: One False Move The story of Fauna Hodel ends in an inconsistent muddle of reality and fiction that highlights how this show was never quite the sum of its parts.
  2. Episode 5 Aloha
    I Am the Night Recap: Out of the Past Reality and fiction and theory blur together as Fauna and Jay get to Hawaii and find Fauna’s mother, Tamar.
  3. Episode 4 Matador
    I Am the Night Recap: Ace in the Hole The art world of the rich and possibly insane characterizes the best scenes of an interesting episode.
  4. Episode 3 Dark Flower
    I Am the Night Recap: Touch of Evil Halfway in, the miniseries finally brings its two protagonists together, and starts to draw the line between the Black Dahlia murder and George Hodel.
  5. Episode 2 Phenomenon of Interference
    I Am the Night Recap: In a Lonely Place Jay has one last chance to write his own redemption story, and Fauna Hodel is going to help him write it.
  6. Episode 1 Pilot
    I Am the Night Recap: The Big Nowhere The highly anticipated series kicks off with a table-setting episode that feels very much like a prologue to the main event.

The Latest I Am The Night News

  1. video
    The Team Behind I Am the Night on Why It’s So Universally Resonant “[Fauna] was someone who refused to be defined by the circumstances.”
  2. emmy insider
    How Patty Jenkins Brought I Am the Night’s Stunning Noir to Life And why Chris Pine is so great at playing losers.
  3. fact check
    A Guide to I Am the Night’s Facts and Fabrications Untangling the TNT mini-series’s twisty blending of the real-life story of Fauna and George Hodel with fictionalized elements like Jay Singletary.
  4. behind the scenes
    I Am the Night Made Its Own Surrealist Art for That Haunting Black Dahlia Twist Series creator Sam Sheridan talks Salvador Dalí, Man Ray, the real-life George Hodel, and the “undercurrent of misogyny” in Surrealism.
  5. sundance 2019
    Patty Jenkins Calls the Wonder Woman 1984 Cast ‘Magical’ She can’t say much.
  6. trailer mix
    Patty Jenkins and Chris Pine’s I Am the Night Gets New Trailer, Release Date Premiering on TNT on January 28.
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