Interview With the Vampire — TV Episode Recaps & News

Interview With the Vampire

Photo: Larry Horricks/AMC

Based on the Anne Rice best seller and plié-ing out from behind the shadow of that book’s 1994 adaptation with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise, AMC’s Interview With the Vampire chronicles aging truth-to-power badboy-journo Daniel Molloy’s interview with vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac about his immortal life, which began upon meeting sire-lover Lestat de Lioncourt in 1910s New Orleans. Decades of chaos ensue. If vampire-human love quadrangles appeal to the dormant Twilight stan in you, or if you just want to see some good multi-hyphenate-genre TV, stop spending time on shows that aren’t trying this hard to entertain and let Interview With the Vampire seduce you. —Rebecca Alter

  1. Episode 7 The Thing Lay Still
    Interview With the Vampire Season-Finale Recap: You’ve Only Heard Half the Story What other way would there be to end the first season of this bloody, bonkers show than with a masquerade ball?
  2. Episode 6 Like Angels Put in Hell By God
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Checkmate Reunited and it feels so bad.
  3. Episode 5 A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Somebody to Love Claudia is a little teen serial killer in a fairly miserable episode.
  4. Episode 4 The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood With All a Child’s Demanding
  5. Episode 3 Is My Very Nature That of a Devil
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Bad Daddy Open relationships are complicated for vampires, too.
  6. Episode 2 …After the Phantoms of Your Former Self
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Baby’s First Murder Lesson one: No drinking from the dead.
  7. Episode 1 In Throes of Increasing Wonder…
    Interview With the Vampire Series-Premiere Recap: Let the Story Seduce You The first episode of AMC’s Anne Rice series has it all: Sex! Catholics! New Orleans! Mind control!
  1. Episode 8 And That’s the End of It. There’s Nothing Else.
    Interview With the Vampire Season-Finale Recap: Paris Is Burning The interview has finally come to an end, but there is more to Louis and Lestat’s story to tell.
  2. Episode 7 I Could Not Prevent It
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Trial By Liar We knew Claudia wasn’t long for this world, but it’s still tragic to see her short (by vampire standards) life come to an end.
  3. Episode 6 Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: F- - - These Vampires We’ve gotten to Armand’s big betrayal in what can only be described as a bonkers episode.
  4. Episode 5 Don’t Be Afraid, Just Start the Tape
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: And Then What? Our sexy, fun vampire show suddenly got very scary.
  5. Episode 4 I Want You More Than Anything in the World
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Children and Art Why does Louis love to run around with men who are terrible to Claudia? This is bad big brother behavior.
  6. Episode 3 No Pain
  7. Episode 2 Do You Know What It Means to Be Loved by Death
    Interview With the Vampire Recap: Willkommen, Bienvenue We finally get Daniel and Armand’s meet-cute and the moment book readers have been waiting for all series. Time to go to the the-ay-tah!
  8. Episode 1 What Can the Damned Really Say to the Damned

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