Nobody Wants This — TV Episode Recaps & News

Nobody Wants This

  1. Episode 10 Bat Mitzvah Crashers
    Nobody Wants This Finale Recap: You Can’t Have Both It’s a rom-com, so it’s legally bound to have a happy ending, but it’s not the finale we expected.
  2. Episode 9 My Girl Bina
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Waiting for the Right Mother-in-Law Joanne finally meets Noah’s mother and wins her over … sort of.
  3. Episode 8 Rebecca’s Box
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Soft Launching Judaism Joanne has so many opportunities to spiral out of control, but she gets a grip every time. We’re proud of her growth!
  4. Episode 7 WAGS
    Nobody Wants This Recap: The Matzah Ballers Playoff Run Getting drunk at a basketball game will soften even the most hardened personalities, like Esther’s.
  5. Episode 6 The Ick
    Nobody Wants This Recap: You Can’t Unsee Something Like That This episode proves that Joanne and Morgan have inherited their unhinged vibes from their parents.
  6. Episode 5 My Friend Joanne
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Courting the Youth Vote Is this relationship strong enough to withstand the opinions of teenagers? Is such strength even possible?
  7. Episode 4 Obliterated
    Nobody Wants This Recap: Be More Chill There are worse first dates than going vibrator shopping and talking about your biggest fears.
  8. Episode 3 Either Aura
    Nobody Wants This Recap: A Tale of Two Spirals Nothing like your friends and family shaming you into oblivion.
  9. Episode 2 A Shiksa Walks Into a Temple
    Nobody Wants This Recap: A World Where This Works He’s a rabbi. She’s a podcaster. It will never work.
  10. Episode 1 Pilot
    Nobody Wants This Series-Premiere Recap: Pretty Smooth for a Rabbi A perfectly paired Kristen Bell and Adam Brody lead Netflix’s breezy romantic comedy about an endearing mismatched couple.

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