Ray Donovan - TV Episode Recaps & News

Ray Donovan

  1. Episode 12 Rattus Rattus
    Ray Donovan Recap: Taking a Dive A disappointing season ends with an all-too fitting finale.
  2. Episode 11 Chinese Algebra
    Ray Donovan Recap: Raging Bull “Chinese Algebra” is the worst episode of Ray Donovan yet.
  3. Episode 10 Lake Hollywood
    Ray Donovan Recap: All In Ray may not be a good man, but he is a straightforward one.
  4. Episode 9 Goodbye, Beautiful
    Ray Donovan Recap: The Russians Are Coming! It’s time to shake this season up.
  5. Episode 8 The Texan
    Ray Donovan Recap: Family Ties “My dad’s a Hollywood legend and I’m just a little prick from Calabasas.”
  6. Episode 7 Norman Saves the World
    Ray Donovan Recap: The Ed and Ray Show Ray Donovan falls back to Earth with a forgettable hour.
  7. Episode 6 Fish and Bird
    Ray Donovan Recap: Cat’s Cradle “Fish and Bird” is one of Ray Donovan’s best episodes.
  8. Episode 5 Get Even Before Leavin’
    Ray Donovan Recap: Desperados Liev Schreiber and Jon Voight hit the road.
  9. Episode 4 Federal Boobie Inspector
    Ray Donovan Recap: We’ve Got Tonight Dabney Coleman, Diane Ladd, and the return of Hank Azaria!
  10. Episode 3 Little Bill Primm’s Green Horseshoe
    Ray Donovan Recap: A Crooked Tree Ray Donovan is still cleaning up last season’s mess.
  11. Episode 2 Marisol
    Ray Donovan Recap: Knockout Punch “Marisol” doesn’t give the cast enough room to do what they do best.
  12. Episode 1 Girl With Guitar
    Ray Donovan Season Premiere Recap: Stage Zero “Girl With Guitar” offers hope that Ray Donovan will regain its footing.
  1. Episode 12 Time Takes a Cigarette
    Ray Donovan Season Finale Recap: Forgive Yourself Ray hits rock bottom at the end of a dark, tragic season.
  2. Episode 11 Michael
    Ray Donovan Recap: Playing With Fire Any chance at reconciliation between Ray and Mickey Donovan is gone forever.
  3. Episode 10 Bob the Builder
    Ray Donovan Recap: The Brothers Donovan Is Ray going to kill Doug?
  4. Episode 9 Mister Lucky
    Ray Donovan Recap: Stalkerazzi The entire Donovan clan is spiraling out of control.
  5. Episode 8 Horses
    Ray Donovan Recap: Abby’s Farewell “Horses” reveals the last 24 hours of Abby Donovan’s life.
  6. Episode 7 If I Should Fall From Grace With God
    Ray Donovan Recap: Confessions The sky is blue, water is wet, and the Donovans are fighting.
  7. Episode 6 Shelley Duvall
    Ray Donovan Recap: He Needs Me What will Sam Winslow do when Ray steps out of line?
  8. Episode 5 Shabbos Goy
    Ray Donovan Recap: Malfeasance of Security Is Mickey really going to kill Avi?
  9. Episode 4 Sold
    Ray Donovan Recap: A Ghost Story “Sold” is a bit unsatisfying, but Liev Schreiber does phenomenal work yet again.
  10. Episode 3 Dogwalker
    Ray Donovan Recap: Anger Management Everyone in the Donovan family is thinking about what’s next.
  11. Episode 2 Las Vegas
    Ray Donovan Recap: I Only Have Eyes for You The Memento-ing of Ray Donovan continues.
  12. Episode 1 Abby
    Ray Donovan Season-Premiere Recap: There’s No Place Like Home The most promising season premiere of Ray Donovan since the series began.
  1. Episode 12 The Dead
    Ray Donovan Finale Recap: Welcome to the Family The season goes out on a high note with an episode that smoothly combines the two main worlds of Ray Donovan: family and violence.
  2. Episode 11 Never Gonna Give You Up
    Ray Donovan Recap: End Game As the Donovans band together to save Bridget, the writing is on the wall for Mac.
  3. Episode 10 Baby
    Ray Donovan Recap: Law & Order Nobody puts Bridget in the corner.
  4. Episode 9 Dream On
    Ray Donovan Recap: New York Confidential Every time it looks like the Donovans are going to dig themselves out of the hole, they get more dirt thrown on them.
  5. Episode 8 Who Once Was Dead
    Ray Donovan Recap: Circling the Drain A gloomy but resonant episode confirms that New York City has not been good to the Donovans.
  6. Episode 7 The 1-3-2
    Ray Donovan Recap: Crooked Numbers Just as lady luck seems to finally be shining on Bunchy, the other Donovan men are the verge of imploding.
  7. Episode 6 A Girl Named Maria
    Ray Donovan Recap: Angels with Dirty Faces Halfway through Ray Donovan’s New York adventure, Ray’s foray into the city’s political machine is becoming increasingly dangerous.
  8. Episode 5 Ellis Island
    Ray Donovan Recap: Security Blankets A melancholy episode in which two men say goodbye to their children also devotes some notable screen time to New York mayoral politics.
  9. Episode 4 Pudge
    Ray Donovan Recap: Don’t Talk About Fight Club Terry finally gets an arc and Ray and Smitty bond over violence in a hyperactive but satisfying episode.
  10. Episode 3 He Be Tight, He Be Mean
    Ray Donovan Recap: N.Y. State of Mind Ray is back in action, Daryll learns a hard lesson, and Mickey’s on a mission, in a solid episode that gets the entire crew to New York City.
  11. Episode 2 Staten Island, Part 2
    Ray Donovan Recap: Wag The Dog Ray gets to fixing in New York, while Daryll faces a life-threatening problem back in California.
  12. Episode 1 Staten Island, Part One
    Ray Donovan Recap: If You Can Make It There Ray moves to New York, grows a beard, and finds even more trouble in the debut of the series’ sixth season.
  1. Episode 10 You’ll Never Walk Alone
    Ray Donovan Season-Finale Recap: Storm’s End A melancholy finale brings the Sullivan Saga to a close in violence, and with the Donovans at their lowest.
  2. Episode 9 Bugs
    Ray Donovan Recap: Topsy Turvy This season has been flirting with stunning plot twists. Maybe it’s time to actually go through with one.
  3. Episode 8 Passport and a Gun
    Ray Donovan Recap: Through the Wire This might prove to be Ray Donovan’s toughest clean-up job yet.
  4. Episode 7 The Transfer Agent
    Ray Donovan Recap: Unforgiven Is Ray finally going to have to kill Mick?
  5. Episode 6 Inside Guy
    Ray Donovan Recap: Creative With Violence A tightly constructed, well-acted midseason episode focuses on the most dangerous branches of the Donovan family tree.
  6. Episode 4 Hispes
    Ray Donovan Recap: Fighting for My Family As Ray tries to keep the weight of the entire NY political establishment from coming down on him, Daryll, Bunchy, and Terry seek a place to belong.
  7. Episode 3 Family Business
    Ray Donovan Recap: He Has Risen As Ray journeys around New York planting fingerprints and other DNA evidence, the rest of the family’s subplots get nudged forward.
  8. Episode 2 A Good Man Is Hard to Find
    Ray Donovan Recap: One for the Road Long live Mickey Donovan.
  9. Episode 1 Faith. Hope. Love. Luck.
    Ray Donovan Recap: Send My Love All Around A strong season opener meets up with a kinder, gentler Ray Donovan who’s working on his anger. We all know that can’t last.

The Latest Ray Donovan News

  1. endings
    The Final Job Ray Donovan Deserves Two years after Showtime’s abrupt cancellation of the series, Ray Donovan: The Movie is a satisfying glimpse of what an eighth season could have been.
  2. to be continued
    Ray Donovan’s Showrunner Credits Fan Outcry for the Show’s Wrap-up Movie “It’s become clear to me that the living organism that is Ray Donovan is a collaboration, a shared ownership, with our audience.“
  3. postmortems
    Ray Donovan’s Showrunner Has a Few Things to Say About That Cancellation “We’re still scratching our heads. We had no indicator that the show was ending.”
  4. this seems unnecessarily cruel
    Showtime Cancels Ray Donovan; Dads Across America Begin the 5 Stages of Grief It had a wicked good run for seven seasons.
  5. chat room
    Ray Donovan Star Kerris Dorsey on Sandwiches, Chainsaws, and the Season 6 Finale “I don’t think Bridget really wanted to be the matriarch, but those guys need someone to shepherd them.”
  6. video
    Paula Malcomson’s Message to Heartbroken Ray Donovan Fans The actress reveals how hard it was to say good-bye to Abby, and the latest on HBO’s much-anticipated Deadwood movie.
  7. vulture festival 2018
    Vulture Festival Is This Weekend! Full Line-up Here! In its fifth year in NYC, the pop-culture extravaganza will include Ava DuVernay, Claire Danes, Tracy Morgan, and so much more.
  8. Ray Donovan Has Been Renewed for Season 6 and Is Moving to New York City Ray is getting a fresh start.
  9. Ray Donovan’s Paula Malcomson on Why She Wouldn’t Take a Role Like Abby Today “It has been a boy’s club for so, so long.”
  10. renewals
    Showtime’s Ray Donovan Renewed for Season 5 Another season of Catholic guilt? Sign us up!