Sleepy Hollow - TV Episode Recaps & News

Sleepy Hollow

  1. Episodes 12 - 13 The Indispensable Man/Bad Blood
    Sleepy Hollow Season Finale Recap: The Sins of Our Father Was this not the Sleepy Hollow season finale of our dreams?
  2. Episode 11 The Vessel
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Demon on Parade Tom Mison in skinny jeans. (Other things happened in this episode too, we guess.)
  3. Episode 10 The Golem
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Witchy Poo This week’s episode put the “sleepy” and “hollow” in Sleepy Hollow.
  4. Episode 9 Sanctuary
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Treehouse of Horror Time to kill the evil tree, as one does.
  5. Episode 8 Necromancer
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Talking Heads In which we discover the identity of the Headless Horseman.
  6. Episode 7 The Midnight Ride
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Skull and Void The Horseman wants his head.
  7. Episode 6 The Sin Eater
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: The Sin I Live In “The Sin Eater” was a big, fat, satisfying origin story.
  1. Episode 18 Tempus Fugit
    Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Finale Recap: The Witch Is Dead No surprise Sleepy Hollow is always at its best when its characters are made to face these formidable forks in the road. Which is just one reason why Sleepy Hollow’s second-season finale pretty much rocked.
  2. Episode 17 Awakening
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Ring My Bell For the first time in a while, I finished watching a Sleepy Hollow episode and couldn’t wait for the next one to get here.
  3. Episode 16 What Lies Beneath
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: It’s a Sewer Thing In which, true to last week’s subtext, we get back to the way things were.
  4. Episode 15 Spellcaster
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Evil Genius Are the writers trying to tell us something with this subtext-heavy dialogue?
  5. Episode 14 Kali Yuga
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Divide and Conquer This week brings out all the feels.
  6. Episode 13 Pittura Infamante
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Date Night This week’s episode coasted on its high *gasp!* quotient.
  7. Episode 12 Paradise Lost
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Apocalypse When? Big things need to happen when you’ve set them up to happen.
  8. Episode 11 The Akeda
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Apocalypse Now Who else has never felt more eager to witness the beginning of the end of days?
  9. Episode 10 Magnum Opus
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Join or Die Get a sword, prevent the apocalypse, etc.
  10. Episode 9 Mama
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Don’t Quell Mama We bawled, people! We bawled at Sleepy Hollow!
  11. Episode 8 Heartless
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Bizarre Love Triangle Last night’s installment drew mini-parallels to a slew of other shows — a surely unintentional gimmick that buoyed an otherwise average episode. 
  12. Episode 7 Deliverance
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Grave Expectations Proposition 3 on zoning laws is a travesty.
  13. Episode 6 And the Abyss Gazes Back
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Dances With Wendigos Let’s talk about feelings, because the folks on Sleepy Hollow sure did last night!
  14. Episode 5 The Weeping Lady
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: The Ladies’ Man “A missive composed by thumb.”
  15. Episode 4 Go Where I Send Thee …”
  16. Episode 3 Root of All Evil
  17. Episode 2 The Kindred
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Benjamin Franklinstein All it needs is a head … hey, didn’t we have one of those lying around?
  18. Episode 1 This Is War
    Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Premiere Recap: War Games Ichabbie ’shippers rejoice.
  1. Episode 18 Ragnarok
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Can I Get a Witness Back? When I suggested burning the whole thing down last week, I didn’t think they’d actually do it.
  2. Episode 17 Delaware
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Going, Going, Wendigone! Let’s burn the whole thing down.
  3. Episode 16 Dawn’s Early Light
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: A Twistory Lesson This week’s Sleepy Hollow was steeped in straight-up history.
  4. Episode 15 Incommunicado
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Scooby Gang Switcheroo Let’s commend SH for a truly fun and unexpected alignment of characters in “Incommunicado.”
  5. Episode 14 Into the Wild
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: The Wild Bunch Sleepy Hollow has become quite skilled at subverting its own tropes and clichés.
  6. Episode 13 Dark Mirror
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Lost in the Mirror Last night’s Sleepy Hollow kinda reminded me of Lost. Let me count the ways.
  7. Episode 12 Sins of the Father
  8. Episode 11 Kindred Spirits
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Next of Kindred Perhaps I’m getting too caught up in our witnesses’ grander mission when I should just be happy with Sleepy Hollow for what it is. 
  9. Episode 10 Incident at Stone Manor
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: I’m Not Made of Stone “Incident at Stone Manor” may have some of the most riveting acting Nicole Beharie’s done on Sleepy Hollow so far.
  10. Episode 9 One Life
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Mirror, Mirror Conspiracy theories abound, people.
  11. Episode 8 Novus Ordo Seclorum
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Come What May What will happen to Abbie?
  12. Episode 7 The Art of War
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Gone Berserker This show gets really, really good when the end is nigh.
  13. Episode 6 This Red Lady From Caribee
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Shard Happens Last night, I asked not what Sleepy Hollow could do for me, but what I could do for Sleepy Hollow.
  14. Episode 5 The Resurrection in the Remains/Dead Men Tell No Tales
    Bones/Sleepy Hollow Recap: Crossover to the Dork Side Bones was so dry and awkward, it made me count my lucky tribulations that I’m on Team Ichabbie rather than what I’d call Team Icky.
  15. Episode 4 The Sisters Mills
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: The Whole Tooth It is to Sleepy Hollow’s credit that I thought last night’s episode was a pretty dang good one before I thought it was maybe actually a not-so-great-one.
  16. Episode 3 Blood and Fear
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Knife Goes On This was easily SH’s most laughable murder-of-the-week concept since last year, when that one murderer hid out in a painting for centuries.
  17. Episode 2 Whispers in the Dark
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Worth the Wraith Who knows if the tantalizing story threads that developed last night will pan out down the line, but I’ll take this week’s episode as a victory.
  18. Episode 1 I, Witness
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Monsters Bull We must learn to accept stuff like Nikki Reed as a Maxim hot-chick Betsy Ross.
  1. Episode 5 Blood From a Stone
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Saving Malcolm Dreyfus “To a swift victory, Team Bumblebee!”
  2. Episode 4 The People v. Ichabod Crane
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Trials and Tribulations “The People vs. Ichabod Crane” is another meh episode.
  3. Episode 3 Heads of State
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Heads Will Roll A humble suggestion: Sleepy Hollow should rebuild around Crane, Jenny, and Jake.
  4. Episode 2 In Plain Sight
    Sleepy Hollow Recap: Witness Detection Molly might be the savior that Sleepy Hollow desperately needs.
  5. Episode 1 Columbia
    Sleepy Hollow Season Premiere Recap: Capital Offense Yet again, Sleepy Hollow tries to start all over.

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