Stranger Things - TV Episode Recaps & News

Stranger Things

  1. Episode 8 Chapter Eight: The Upside Down
    Stranger Things Season Finale Recap: Same As It Ever Was The season ends the way it began: as a wildly comprehensive pastiche of ’80s sci-fi.
  2. Episode 7 Chapter Seven: The Bathtub
    Stranger Things Recap: The Upside Down The grand design of Stranger Things is finally taking shape.
  3. Episode 6 Chapter Six: The Monster
    Stranger Things Recap: Monster Hunting The flaw in this otherwise entertaining show? It isn’t built to last.
  4. Episode 5 Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat
  5. Episode 4 Chapter Four: The Body
    Stranger Things Recap: See the Danger It’s time for the nerds of Hawkins to go to war.
  6. Episode 3 Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly
    Stranger Things Recap: R-I-G-H-T H-E-R-E Add Close Encounters of the Third Kind to this show’s growing list of influences.
  7. Episode 2 Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
    Stranger Things Recap: The Poltergeist We’ve never seen Winona Ryder quite like this.
  8. Episode 1 Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
    Stranger Things Series Premiere Recap: Blast From the Past Netflix’s new show mixes the suburban sci-fi of E.T. with the nerd-kid adventure of The Goonies.
  1. Episode 9 The Gate
    Stranger Things Season-Finale Recap: The Shadow Monster Eleven is back to finish what she started.
  2. Episode 7 The Lost Sister
    Stranger Things Recap: The Other Girl Why was this episode even made?
  3. Episode 7 The Mind Flayer
    Stranger Things Recap: The Mind Flayer Bob the Brain is the unlikely hero that Stranger Things needed.
  4. Episode 6 The Spy
    Stranger Things Recap: Dusty and the Hair Raise your hand if you’d watch a buddy-cop movie starring Dustin and Steve.
  5. Episode 5 Dig Dug
    Stranger Things Recap: Bob the Brain Joyce’s new boyfriend finally gets his chance to shine.
  6. Episode 4 Will the Wise
    Stranger Things Recap: Inner Demons What happened to Will in the Upside Down?
  7. Episode 3 The Pollywog
    Stranger Things Recap: The Hunt for Dart Millie Bobby Brown steals the show yet again.
  8. Episode 2 Trick or Treat, Freak
    Stranger Things Recap: Who Ya Gonna Call? The Upside Down isn’t the only danger lurking on Halloween night.
  9. Episode 1 Madmax
    Stranger Things Season Premiere Recap: The Return of Will Byers Something wicked is hiding in Hawkins, Indiana.
  1. Episode 8 The Battle of Starcourt
    Stranger Things Season Finale Recap: You Are Now Leaving Hawkins, Indiana The Hawkins gang has saved the world — with some help from Satan’s Baby — but they’ve also paid the price.
  2. Episode 7 The Bite
    Stranger Things Recap: F-L-A-Y in the U.S.A. For the Mind Flayer’s plan to work, it needs El off the board. She’s just too powerful.
  3. Episode 6 E Pluribus Unum
    Stranger Things Recap: On Some Faraway Beach Both the Russians’ and the Mind Flayer’s time spent hiding underground is coming to an end.
  4. Episode 5 The Flayed
    Stranger Things Recap: Underneath the Bunker Looks like we now have a fully operational — and fantastically gross — Mind Flayer.
  5. Episode 4 The Sauna Test
    Stranger Things Recap: Code Red! As several simultaneous investigations edge into dangerous territory, it becomes clear the Upside Down isn’t done with Hawkins.
  6. Episode 3 The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
    Stranger Things Recap: Boys vs. Girls vs. Demogorgons Understanding between the sexes has had a serious breakdown, but that’s the least of the gang’s problems right now.
  7. Episode 2 The Mall Rats
    Stranger Things Recap: Magnets, How Do They Work? Hawkins: a tough place for rodents, and an even tougher one for lifeguards.
  8. Episode 1 Suzie, Do You Copy?
    Stranger Things Season Premiere Recap: Mall Madness In Hawkins, a blackout is never just a blackout — especially one that hits just before the scary part of a classic zombie film.
  1. Episode 9 The Piggyback
    Stranger Things Season-Finale Recap: The Fourth Gate Mind fight, mind fight, mind fight!
  2. Episode 8 Papa
    Stranger Things Midseason-Premiere Recap: Father-Daughter Dance In the aftermath of the big Vecna/Henry/One reveal, the crew scrambles to put its various plans into motion.
  3. Episode 7 The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
    Stranger Things Midseason-Finale Recap: Escape Plans The midseason finale provides big satisfying answers while also leaving us with several questions to mull over while we wait for Volume 2.
  4. Episode 6 The Dive
    Stranger Things Recap: The Shire Is on Fire We (mostly) love Steve getting his big hero moment in the penultimate episode of Volume 1.
  5. Episode 5 The Nina Project
    Stranger Things Recap: This Old House We get a little haunted-house movie in the middle of Stranger Things!
  6. Episode 4 Dear Billy
    Stranger Things Recap: Running Up That Hill The most Stranger Things needle drop reminds that Kate Bush saves lives.
  7. Episode 3 The Monster and the Superhero
    Stranger Things Recap: Making Connections Don’t you love it when our friends start to come together?
  8. Episode 2 Vecna’s Curse
    Stranger Things Recap: Proof of Life The gang is having trouble adapting to their new homes.
  9. Episode 1 The Hellfire Club
    Stranger Things Season-Premiere Recap: Save the Cheerleader The Duffer Brothers promised a darker version of Stranger Things now that the kids are a little older and, buddies, they aren’t lying.

The Latest on Stranger Things

  1. everything we know
    Will Stranger Things 5 Flip the Script Upside Down? “This is our biggest and most ambitious season yet,” Ross Duffer teased.
  2. it goes down in the dm
    Doja Cat With Her Celeb Crush? Stranger Things Have Happened! Joseph Quinn and Doja Cat were spotted together in London, two years after Noah Schnapp leaked Doja’s interested DMs.
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    16 Kids’ Shows That Are Actually Great We waded through the ocean of childrens’ programming for the rare gems.
  4. the rules of feminism
    Millie Bobby Brown’s Tarot Cards Read ‘Gloria Steinem’ A psychic knew she was a feminist before she did.
  5. she'll be back
    Stranger Things Adds 80s Icon Linda Hamilton to Final Season Cast Vecna better watch his back.
  6. the industry
    The Binge Purge TV’s streaming model is broken. It’s also not going away. For Hollywood, figuring that out will be a horror show.
  7. spinoff things
    Netflix Is Animating the Stranger-verse The Duffer brothers said a new show set in the Stranger Things universe will be like “the Saturday morning cartoons that we grew up loving.”
  8. sexual harassment
    Grace Van Dien To Focus on Twitch After On-Set Sexual Harassment The Stranger Things star said she will be more “selective” on future projects.
  9. text me back!
    Winona Ryder Leaves Finn Wolfhard on Read All the Time “She’ll text you, and then you’ll text her back, and then she won’t text you ever again.”
  10. cue the diana!
    Noah Schnapp Looks Both Ways Before Coming Out Time to pack up the Millie Bobby Brown jokes … please!
  11. best of 2022
    The Weepiest TV Moments of 2022 A celebration of the tears we cried while watching all the joy, pain, and catharsis the small screen provided.
  12. the hounds of love are caroling
    Kate Bush, Breakout Star of 2022, Sends Out Her Christmas Wishes 50 Words for (Frosty the) Snow(man).
  13. hater things
    Caleb McLaughlin’s Parents Had to Explain the Racism From Stranger Things Fans “It affected me when I was a kid,” the actor shared.
  14. last night on late night
    Jamie Campbell Bower Sings Lizzo’s ‘About Damn Time’ … As Vecna Okay, next do “Barbie Girl.”
  15. last night on late night
    Brett Gelman Made the Late-Night Entrance of the Year Who else would sing their own entrance music?
  16. editing bay dispatch
    The Stranger Things Season-One Edit Theory Is Getting Stranger Peeps are peeping Jon in the Peeping Tom scene from season one, and they’re not liking what they’re seeing.
  17. last night on late night
    Joseph Quinn Worried About Being the Side-Joe on Stranger Things 4 But we all know that Eddie Munson is a main dish.
  18. heathen things
    Twenty One Pilots Took Their Fans to the Upside Down The duo recently performed a mashup of “Heathens” and the Stranger Things theme at a music festival.
  19. chat room
    Matthew Modine Doesn’t Think His Stranger Things Time Is Up The actor on the “unforgivable crimes” of Dr. Brenner and whether “Papa” is worthy of redemption.
  20. i'm! coming! out!
    Stranger Things’s Noah Schnapp Confirms Will Byers ‘Does Love Mike’ “It’s 100 percent clear that he is gay …”