The Big Bang Theory - TV Episode Recaps & News

The Big Bang Theory

  1. Episode 11 The Clean Room Infiltration
  2. Episode 10 The Champagne Reflection
    Why Is Sheldon So Clueless When It Comes to Race on The Big Bang Theory? Sheldon tapes his final “Fun With Flags.”
  3. Episode 9 The Septum Deviation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Nose Bros Sheldon freaks out about Leonard’s septum surgery.
  4. Episode 8 The Prom Equivalency
  5. Episode 7 The Misinterpretation Agitation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: When BBT Met BBT With a surprise guest-appearance by Billy Bob Thornton.
  6. Episode 6 The Expedition Approximation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Financial Aid Look, season eight of any show is a tough place to be.
  7. Episode 5 The Focus Attenuation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Hocus Focus An episode that faced the dilemma that plagues us all — how much time to spend creating versus consuming.
  8. Episode 4 The Hook-Up Reverberation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Penny Lover Raj’s new flame is not a fan of Penny.
  9. Episode 3 The First Pitch Insufficiency
  10. Episodes 1 - 2 The Locomotion Interruption/The Junior Professor Solution
    The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Premiere Recap: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Vulture kicks off its recaps of a show we should have been recapping since 2007.
  1. Episode 24 The Convergence Convergence
    The Big Bang Theory Season Finale Recap: All in the Family The most underwhelming TBBT finale ever.
  2. Episode 23 The Line Substitution Solution
    The Big Bang Theory: I Fought the In-Law and the In-Law Won Penny and Sheldon bonding moments … what Big Bang Theory fan can get enough of ’em?
  3. Episode 22 The Fermentation Bifurcation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Let’s Get Toasted Does Sheldon Cooper know how to party? No, he does not.
  4. Episode 21 The Viewing Party Combustion
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Sub Way It’s the nerdy thirtysomething scientist version of all-out war.
  5. Episode 20 The Big Bear Precipitation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Into the Woods Raj deserves more than third-wheel status.
  6. Episode 19 The Solder Excursion Diversion
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Trash Talk Give Raj something fun, please.
  7. Episode 18 The Application Deterioration
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Contracts in Shelvetica Sheldon Cooper loves him some contracts.
  8. Episode 17 The Celebration Experimentation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Holy Birthday, Batman! Cheers, Sheldon! The gang hired Adam West to come to your party.
  9. Episode 16 The Positive Negative Reaction
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Father Knows Least Why is Bernadette’s pregnancy revelation so underwhelming?
  10. Episode 15 The Valentino Submergence
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Stupid Cupid As Bernadette’s big secret reminds us, any milestone is a terrible thing to waste.
  11. Episode 14 The Meemaw Materialization
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Meet the Meemaw I’m still bummed Meemaw wasn’t played by Betty White.
  12. Episode 13 The Empathy Optimization
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: They Know! When did Sheldon’s friends find out he had coitus?
  13. Episode 12 The Sales Call Sublimation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Movin’ Out Could parenthood be in Howard and Bernadette’s future?
  14. Episode 11 The Opening Night Excitation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: They Did It! Sheldon and Amy’s first time is sweet, loving, intimate, and funny.
  15. Episode 10 The Earworm Reverberation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Hello, Darlin’ Shamy is back together, y’all.
  16. Episode 9 The Platonic Permutation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Orange Is the New Wack “You know, for a Thanksgiving buffet in an aquarium cafeteria … that was really bad.”
  17. Episode 8 The Mystery Date Observation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: No Love Connections Another TBBT episode designed to wring every last drop of story line out of the Shamy split.
  18. Episode 7 The Spock Resonance
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Emotions in Motion Oh, Big Bang Theory fans, our little science nerds are growing up.
  19. Episode 6 The Helium Insufficiency
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas There are still no signs that Sheldon is ready to remove his neurocranium from his gluteus maximus.
  20. Episode 5 The Perspiration Implementation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Jackass Amplification This episode left me feeling sad and more than a little creeped out by the men of The Big Bang Theory.
  21. Episode 4 The 2003 Approximation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: What the Filk Is Happening? Sheldon has once again gotten away with treating those who care for and tolerate him most as shabbily as he wants.
  22. Episode 3 The Bachelor Party Corrosion
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: A Mexican Road-Trip No Es Bueno Can’t help but think this episode might have gotten more than three stars if Donald Trump had recapped it.
  23. Episode 2 The Separation Oscillation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: It Was Just a Dream Could Mandy return as a romantic interest for Raj?
  24. Episode 1 The Matrimonial Momentum
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: An ‘I Do’ and an Adieu This season premiere is the perfect example of why The Big Bang Theory continues to have a devoted fan base.
  1. Episode 24 The Long Distance Dissonance
    The Big Bang Theory Season-Finale Recap: I Do? “The Long Distance Dissonance” offers a big Shamy payoff.
  2. Episode 23 The Gyroscopic Collapse
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Stranger Will Amy’s absence spur Sheldon to finally propose?
  3. Episode 22 The Cognition Regeneration
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Job, Fair? Penny and Leonard make less and less sense as a couple.
  4. Episode 21 The Separation Agitation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Thankfully, Some Fun With Fun With Flags In the absence of a fresh or funny story line, we at least get some of the show’s best recurring bits.
  5. Episode 20 The Recollection Dissipation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Underwear, Whereabouts Unknown Apparently, as a 30-something, working on two science projects at the same time can break Sheldon.
  6. Episode 19 The Collaboration Fluctuation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Fight Club “The Collaboration Fluctuation” is a giant leap in the wrong direction.
  7. Episode 18 The Escape Hatch Identification
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Roommate Doesn’t Raj make as much as his Caltech scientist friends?
  8. Episode 17 The Comic-Con Conundrum
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: All Grown-up Amy Farrah Fowler is a very, very patient woman.
  9. Episode 16 The Allowance Evaporation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Failure to Launch “The Allowance Evaporation” serves up a long-overdue Raj story line.
  10. Episode 15 The Locomotion Reverberation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Good Grief, Sheldon Who says Sheldon Cooper doesn’t understand sarcasm?
  11. Episode 14 The Emotion Detection Automation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Shrugs, Not Hugs After ten seasons, TBBT has finally run out of ideas.
  12. Episode 13 The Romance Recalibration
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Poetry of NSYNC Sheldon never turns down a chance to whip up a Relationship Agreement.
  13. Episode 12 The Holiday Summation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: A Holiday Snooze Mama Cooper officially is #TeamShamy.
  14. Episode 11 The Birthday Synchronicity
  15. Episode 10 The Property Division Collision
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Flag on the Play Sheldon and Leonard fight over their shared … uh, treasures?
  16. Episode 9 The Geology Elevation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Hey, Jealousy When another Caltech scientist wins a MacArthur genius grant, Sheldon is green with envy.
  17. Episode 8 The Brain Bowl Incubation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Baby Talk Be careful what you wish for, Amy Farrah Fowler.
  18. Episode 7 The Veracity Elasticity
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: House of Lies “I’m like a man made of sugar in a world full of ants.”
  19. Episode 6 The Fetal Kick Catalyst
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: King Con These jokes are beyond tiresome, TBBT.
  20. Episode 5 The Hot Tub Contamination
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Knock 3 Times The backstory behind a trademark Sheldonism, revealed.
  21. Episode 4 The Cohabitation Experimentation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Baby, Let’s Play House “The Cohabitation Experimentation” is a welcome surprise.
  22. Episode 3 The Dependence Transcendence
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: It Doesn’t Add Up When Sheldon Cooper admits that he’s wrong, it’s a very big deal.
  23. Episode 2 The Military Miniaturization
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Miniature Concerns We get it, TBBT. Bernadette is mean. Isn’t it time for something new?
  24. Episode 1 The Conjugal Conjecture
    TBBT Recap: A Family Tree Grows in Pasadena “I now pronounce you husband and wife … and weird other husband who came with the apartment.”
  1. Episode 24 The Bow Tie Asymmetry
    The Big Bang Theory Season-Finale Recap: Just Married Amy and Sheldon get married, and even in an episode full of guest stars, the real payoff comes with the vows.
  2. Episode 23 The Sibling Realignment
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Big Brother Jerry O’Connell is perfectly cast as Sheldon’s older brother Georgie.
  3. Episode 22 The Monetary Insufficiency
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Who Wants to Be a Half-Billionaire? It’s Amy Farrah Fowler’s wedding, and she’ll look like “a pile of swans” if she wants to.
  4. Episode 21 The Comet Polarization
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Not Even @Neilhimself If Neil Gaiman walks into a comic-book store but isn’t recognized, was he ever really there?
  5. Episode 20 The Reclusive Potential
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: You Say Tomato, I Say Poop Tomato What a difference one really great line and some really bad Riverdancing can make.
  6. Episode 19 The Tenant Disassociation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: A Not-So Presidential Crisis Let the Sheldon versus Leonard tenant-board skirmish begin!
  7. Episode 18 The Gates Excitation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Billionaire Boys Club Welcome to the gang, Bill Gates!
  8. Episode 17 The Athenaeum Allocation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Saving the Date As Sheldon and Amy plan their wedding, Kripke once again proves to be the human buzzkill.
  9. Episode 16 The Neonatal Nomenclature
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: What’s in a Name? Say hello to little Neil Michael Wolowitz.
  10. Episode 15 The Novelization Correlation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Learning Fun With Professor Proton Wil Wheaton returns and causes some tension between Amy and Sheldon.
  11. Episode 14 The Separation Triangulation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Raj the Home-wrecker Surprise, Raj! Your new girlfriend is married.
  12. Episode 13 The Solo Oscillation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Rock On Sheldon and Penny are this show’s most genius pairing.
  13. Episode 12 The Matrimonial Metric
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: How to Throw a Wedding Party Sheldon and Amy choose their best man and maid of honor.
  14. Episode 11 The Celebration Reverberation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Birthday Girls It’s Amy Farrah Fowler’s birthday, and she’ll hurl if she wants to.
  15. Episode 10 The Confidence Erosion
  16. Episode 9 The Bitcoin Entanglement
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Other Side of the Bitcoin “The Bitcoin Entanglement” is the best episode of TBBT in a while.
  17. Episode 8 The Tesla Recoil
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Karma’s a Pitch The theme of this week’s episode: Who’s the least obnoxious character?
  18. Episode 7 The Geology Methodology
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Physics, Geology, But No Chemistry Sheldon is a science snob and a jerk face this week.
  19. Episode 6 The Proton Regeneration
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Hi, Bob Bob Newhart is a national treasure.
  20. Episode 5 The Collaboration Contamination
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: How to Talk So Sheldon Will Listen Penny uses a parenting book as an “answer key to the Sheldon test.”
  21. Episode 4 The Explosion Implosion
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Papa Don’t Teach This isn’t the first time TBBT has gone askew with its characters in terms of the way they treat women.
  22. Episode 3 The Relaxation Integration
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Relax, Don’t Do It Sheldon is already a stressed-out groomzilla.
  23. Episode 2 The Retraction Reaction
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Not Good for What Romulan Ales You “The Retraction Reaction” defaults to a catfight for a cheap laugh.
  24. Episode 1 The Proposal Proposal
    The Big Bang Theory Season-Premiere Recap: He Put a Ring on It Let the countdown to the Shamy wedding begin!
  1. Episodes 23 - 24 The Change Constant; The Stockholm Syndrome
    The Big Bang Theory Series Finale Recap: The Noble Nobel Speech Yes, Sheldon and Amy got their Nobel, but the real prize was the friends they made along the way.
  2. Episode 18 The Laureate Accumulation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Let’s Get Physicist, Physicist Ellen DeGeneres, Kal Penn, Sean Astin, and a bunch of Nobel winners appear as Sheldon and Amy make a last-ditch claim for super-asymmetry recognition.
  3. Episode 17 The Conference Valuation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Child’s Play After waiting so patiently for Sheldon to take a walk down the aisle, Amy has decided to speed things up when it comes to Cooper offspring.
  4. Episode 16 The D&D Vortex
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: O Captain Kirk! My Captain! Wil Wheaton returns, and brings some famous D&D-playing pals with him, in an episode that calls back to many of the series’ high points.
  5. Episode 15 The Donation Oscillation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Baby Steps The Hofstadters work through this major relationship issue that divides them, and sidestep a soap-opera plotline in the process.
  6. Episode 14 The Meteorite Manifestation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Break Out the Benadryl, Baby Howard and Bernie’s foiled attempt at some backyard alone time allows Sheldon to indulge his heretofore-unknown passion for zoning laws.
  7. Episode 13 The Confirmation Polarization
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: No Noble Nobel Shamy’s super asymmetry plot takes center stage once again in a quintessential middle-of-the-season episode.
  8. Episode 12 The Propagation Proposition
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Spare Some Sperm? Perhaps this is an example of what Jim Parsons was referring to when he said it was time for The Big Bang Theory to end.
  9. Episode 11 The Paintball Scattering
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Paint(ball)ed Into a Corner Is this really gonna be the main Shamy story line for the rest of the series?
  10. Episode 10 The VCR Illumination
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: When Sheldon Met Sheldon Turns out a treacly Young Sheldon crossover is just what Sheldon needed to pull out of his emotional tailspin.
  11. Episode 9 The Citation Negation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Blindsided By Science Shamy’s partnership faces its biggest challenge yet when their dream of a world-changing science discovery dies.
  12. Episode 8 The Consummation Deviation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Look Who’s Not Talking As Raj and Anu prepare to have sex for the first time, Raj’s selective mutism makes a not wholly unwelcome return.
  13. Episode 7 The Grant Allocation Derivation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Bernie’s Playhouse An excursion to the girls’ clandestine wine-and-snack hideaway offers a delightful counterpoint to a rote Leonard storyline.
  14. Episode 6 The Imitation Perturbation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: The Last Halloween The series bids farewell to a Halloween tradition and finds Sheldon missing the point.
  15. Episode 5 The Planetarium Collision
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Marital Mathematics A ghost from Sheldon’s past returns to offer marital advice when he crosses a line with Amy.
  16. Episode 4 The Tam Turbulence
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Whittling Down the Enemies List Sheldon reunites with an old friend turned unwitting enemy as Raj’s courtship continues.
  17. Episode 3 The Procreation Calculation
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: A Marriage of Convenience Raj’s search for love takes a surprising turn as Penny and Leonard realize they differ on a pretty major issue.
  18. Episode 2 The Wedding Gift Wormhole
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: They Who Regift Last, Laugh the Least Penny and Leonard’s wedding gift sends Sheldon and Amy on a scavenger hunt.
  19. Episode 1 The Conjugal Configuration
    The Big Bang Theory Recap: Yin and Yang of The Big Bang The final season begins with scenes from two marriages, both of them having their difficulties.

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